Thursday, August 30, 2012

Americans Have No One to Blame but Themselves

          For the first time in decades, Americans had a candidate that was running in one of the two main political parties that would’ve actually gotten rid of many of the numerous wrong and horrible things that is plaguing this country. He wasn’t some random third party candidate that hardly anyone knew about. He was running as a Republican. It couldn’t have been any easier for Americans to vote for Ron Paul for president 2012.
          But they didn’t want to.
          Ron Paul, in his bid to save America from itself, was too “extreme” for most Americans. The similitude that comes to mind is this: picture America as a plane, and the passengers, its citizens. The plane is steadily going down, eventually to crash into the ground. It’s been going steadily down for a while now, so it’s pretty close to hitting the ground. Ron Paul offers to go up to the cockpit, and wrest control of the plane to get it back into the air. But all the passengers stop him, and say “Don’t! You’ll shake and rattle everyone in the plane! You agitator! You heartless extremist!”

          So the plane keeps going towards the ground.
          Instead, Americans choose to support:

1. Out of control spending
          Both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney had made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of getting rid of our massive and ridiculous amount of debt. They will both continue to spend billions of dollars on unnecessary and wasteful “defense spending,” (which is money to run our global empire, spy on Americans, oh, and kill a bunch of unarmed women and children. Americans apparently love doing that, since they do it all the god-damn time.) They will spend billions of dollars in military vehicles, weapons, and “security” training to give to dictators, corrupt and apartheid governments, so they can stay in power by violently suppressing their people. They will spend dozens of billions of dollars in handouts to Americans, dozens of billions of dollars that they don’t even have!

2. Revolving door of politicians and businessmen
          The politicians and businessmen, (and businesswomen for that matter too,) are in bed with each other all the fucking time, (no pun intended). Each helps the other maintain their stranglehold on wealth and power. Politicians give companies complete power over their workers, their work sites, the native people they exploit in other countries, etc. In turn, companies give them hordes of money. Many politicians started off as selfish businessmen, and financed their campaign for office using their corporate money.

3. Defenseless border
          While both Republicans and Democrats make up foreign boogeymen overseas for us to be scared of, the real threat is coming from this very continent. Both parties refuse to deploy troops along our southern border with Mexico to protect the U.S. from illegal immigrants invading this country by the millions. Democrats won’t do it because they want to have the Hispanic vote. It’s really sad that the Hispanic vote is directly tied to illegal immigrants, but that’s their problem. Republicans won’t do it because that would mean taking troops away from their maniacal overseas empire. So what do we, the American citizens, get from this? A surging population of people who legally AREN’T EVEN ALLOWED TO BE HERE. Some of them work, but do they pay income taxes on their income? Nope, but you have to. But they still get access to tons of free government services, welfare, disability checks, food stamps, education, etc. But they don’t pay a dime. You foot the bill for yourself and them.
          To top it all off, instead of labeling these illegal immigrants as criminals, (they broke a law,) thieves, (they’re stealing money from you and the government,) and trespassers, (did I mention they’re not supposed to be here?) the government is passing laws allowing them to receive financial aid for college. California has done and Maryland is in the process of. They’re rewarding the illegals for breaking the law, and guess who’s paying for that financial aid? Not them, they don’t pay income taxes. That’s right, you are. You’re going to pay for your own children’s’ college plus theirs as well. All while the government and authorities know that they are breaking the law and you aren’t.

4. Endless wars
          Most Americans are too ignorant to even know how many wars they’re in. When you ask, they’ll say 1: Afghanistan. But if they actually got off their fat asses and did a simple Google search they would see that they are in at least 12 wars! That’s right, America is at war with:

          And there's even more, but these are the ones I found just during some quick research. Both political parties are obsessed with constant, multiple wars to devour as much power and resources throughout the world as they can. They don’t care how many people they kill, or torture, or kidnap, or rape, or assassinate, no, their avarice completely overwhelms them. We’re already at war with Iran, through spying and convert sabotage and assassination operations, but the U.S. Congress is constantly beating the war drums to formally invade the country. Nothing is enough for them. These wars are not formally declared, objectives are never announced, and timetables are never seen. They create a living hell for the citizens of those countries, for years and years.  

5. Destroying the Middle Class, making more and more people into the Lower Class, while all that wealth goes to the greedy 1% Upper Class.
          The Middle Class is dwindling every day in this country. More and more people cannot afford to live a Middle Class lifestyle, so they fall down a notch, into the Lower Class, which is swelling to a ridiculous amount of the population. And where is all that wealth going to? All the wealth that the government is sucking out of the Middle Class? That’s right, the Upper Class gobbles it up. The wealth disparity between the 1% and the rest of the population is at its biggest ever in the history of this country. The Upper Class spends it all on vacations, yachts, ridiculous expensive summer camps for their spoiled rotten children, and so forth. The government does this on purpose, so the Upper Class will reward politicians with ludicrous campaign contributions. And all the while, millions of Americans are struggling to get by paying rent and grocery bills.

6. Supporting dictators, authoritarian regimes and racist apartheid occupying regimes.   
          I already mentioned this partially in the first point, but this deserves a whole point to itself, because it’s probably the #1 thing that the U.S. does that I hate the most. If there’s anything that gets me fired up, it’s this. (And the fact that I’m listening to Metallica while writing this probably isn’t helping). Look at some of the countries that made the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid in 2009 and 2010:          
          Most of those countries are horrible, corrupt, and brutal to their own people or the people they are illegally occupying, (in Israel’s case). Is that the type of countries you want your tax money to go to? Do you want your tax money to go to financing the torture of teenage boy in Jordan for simply asking for the right to vote? Do you want your tax money to finance Israeli tanks that kill unarmed Palestinian men, women and children? Do you want your tax money to pay the paycheck of a corrupt Afghan policeman who arrests a woman for being raped? WAKE UP! Why aren’t you all fucking furious at this?! What does your inaction say about yourself, your character, your values?! It’s sickening!!! Do you see why people hate America?! We finance so much oppression, so much killing, so much torture, so much repression. We’re the biggest terrorists on this planet!!!
          I for one, do not just sit there and let our government do this. I attend every protest that is related to this issue that happens in D.C. I constantly write/call my congressmen and representatives, and let them know how sorely disappointed I am in their voting record, and what I expect of them. I share websites and articles through social media to help educate people. I donate money to NGO’s that work to stop the U.S.’s support for such regimes. I sign petitions. I write letters to the editors to newspapers. I gave a presentation about an issue related to this at a high school. Bottom line is: I stir shit up! If only a quarter of the population agitated as much as this, think of the change we could bring. Ah, but I digress.

7. Global Military Empire.
          America has troops in 130 countries and 900 overseas bases!!!
          This isn’t making us any safer! In fact, it’s making us less safe! How would you like it if Chinese troops patrolled your neighborhood? Or if Russian troops harassed your wife or girlfriend when you two were out? That’s right, you’d be fucking pissed off! Here’s a grand revelation here people: People don’t like foreign troops on their land! Who’d thought?! 

          Ron Paul would’ve fixed every single one of these problems, but the American people, like blind cows going to slaughter, have chosen to continue having these problems instead of the solutions. Paul would’ve done this to each one:
1. Only spend what money we actually have.
          Ron Paul is the only candidate that would actually, truly balance our budget, by doing the spending cuts that nobody likes but that are necessary. And not balancing the budget in a 3 or 4 decades, or…never, in some politicians’ cases, but balancing the budget immediately.  That’s what fiscally responsible people do, and our nation should be modeled on that. If your monthly expenses is higher than your monthly income because you’re buying a ton of fucking luxuries, what do you do? That’s right, you reduce your expenses while trying to increase your income, until you are breaking even or making a profit. A 4 year old knows that. But like many Americans, who blindly charge as much as they can on their credit card each month, and only pay the minimum to keep going, American politicians keep going deeper into debt, raising the “limit” on how much we can borrow all the fucking god-damn time!!

 2. Get politicians and businessmen out of bed.
          Ron Paul’s libertarian economics holds a strict principle of keeping politics out of the markets, and markets out of politics. No more secret “campaign contributions” from billion dollar corporations funneled into secret offshore accounts of corrupt politicians, in return for the politician to vote a certain way to help the corporation. No more treating a corporation “as a person,” allowing them complete control over their helpless workers. This is how capitalism is supposed to work; what we have is not true capitalism, its crony capitalism. The markets and government work best when they are as far away from each other as possible.

3. Deploy American troops to our southern borders.
          This point is related to point #7, because Ron Paul would take all of our troops from overseas, and send the majority of them back to their families, but station enough that is necessary to finally protect our southern border with Mexico. That’s the purpose of the military: to defend our borders and citizens. Not invade countries that never attacked us, plunder their wealth, kill their civilians, etc, etc. That’s what barbarians do. 
4. Only declare war on a country that has attacked us.
          First of all, Ron Paul would’ve actually gone through the trouble of formally declaring war on a country. The U.S. has not done this since WW2. That is absolutely revolting. Secondly, a Paul administration would only attack a country in self-defense. I know, such a radical principle, right? No more making up excuses and false information to attack a country, such as Bush did with Iraq. No more attacking a whole country for the actions of one terrorist group, such Bush did with Afghanistan. No more attacking a country for…having a few people that don’t like us, such as Pakistan, Somalia, okay, you get the point, right?

5. Give the Lower and Middle Class more opportunities to move up.
          Romney’s plans for the economy would strangle this country even more than it already is. He would tax the Lower and Middle Classes even MORE than they already are, while lowering taxes for the Upper Class. He is simply an Upper Class lapdog, eager to serve his financial masters, as well as get a few tax breaks himself. And we’ve already had 3 years of Obamanomics, and look where that’s gotten us. Complete shit.

          This is what I like about the Paul the most, is because he has a strict, unbreakable principle of not giving even a single penny to any other country in foreign aid. No more paychecks to corrupt Nigerian soldiers who torture teenagers, exhort businesses, and rape women. No more Israeli APCs that help Israeli soldiers to steal water, land, and resources from Palestinians in the West Bank. No more funding for Pakistani policemen who arrest little girls who are mentally handicapped for…insulting Islam? Give me a break! I don’t want any of that shit on my conscience!

7. No more Global Military Empire.
          No more U.S. “advisers” helping Honduran police kill civilians for being LGBT. No more “contractors” helping billion dollar corporations steal resources from rural third world communities. Nope, a Paul administration would’ve stopped all of these horrible crimes. He would have all of our soldiers within our own borders, respecting other countries and not bearing down on their communities.

          In conclusion, Americans didn’t want to stop any of that. Their pride, arrogance, racism, and bigotry blinded them from acting on true American values: respect, justice, independence, freedom, liberty, and selflessness. When the next recession hits us, or the next foreign insurgent or rebel attacks us, or when we invade Iran, I’m going to be shaking my head and saying “I told you so.” We have no one to blame but ourselves. We had a clear choice to pick solutions based on American values, but instead, we narrowed our choices down to two men, (Romney and Obama) who both display avarice, arrogance and cold-hardheartedness.
          To my international readers, I’m sorry for what America has done, is doing, or will be doing to your countries. My heart aches for your pain and sorrow caused by my countrymen. My blood boils at the injustices, horrors, and oppression you have had to deal with because of my countrymen.
          My hands are clean of all this. My conscience is clear that I did all I could to oppose all this. I voted for Ron Paul in my state’s primary election. I didn’t want part in any of this shit.  

          (Photos are properties of,, and, respectively).

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