Monday, August 13, 2012

Israel's Repulsive Charade of Justice and Accountability

         Today I came across a sentencing in Israel. An IDF, (Israeli Defense Forces, even though their actions constitute nothing about “defense” at all), soldier was sentenced to 45 days in prison for the killing of two unarmed Palestinian women in 2009, during Israel’s “Operation Cast Lead.” 

          This is a sickening mockery of justice, and only shows that the Israelis view Palestinians as sub-human; that their deaths aren’t really that tragic at all, and that their deaths aren't really human deaths. He got 45 days in prison for deliberately killing two unarmed civilians!!! Imagine if it was the other way around. Imagine if a Palestinian resistance fighter killed two unarmed Israeli women. The whole world would be in an uproar about the “poor little Israelis, always being bullied by their hateful and terrorist neighbors!” The Israelis would undoubtedly try and kill that resistance fighter. But in this case, since the perpetrator was Israeli, and the victims were Palestinian, he gets a measly 45 days in prison.

          Imagine if this happened to our nation. Imagine if some Taliban terrorist made it to the U.S., and killed two unarmed American women. The whole nation would be in an uproar about how “all Muslims are terrorists, Islam supports this kind of heinous act,” or my personal favorite that I've read many times from extremist web posters: "WE SHOULD JUST NUKE AFGHANISTAN!!!!" etc etc, the usual xenophobic, ignorant, bigoted BS.

          This sentencing is against all religious decrees, and against the majority of the Western countries’ laws. Even in places like Great Britain and France, who do not have the death penalty, they would still sentence this man to decades in prison, perhaps even life.

          You all already know my opinion on what his sentence should be. He is a terrorist; he killed unarmed civilians on purpose. Therefore, in accordance to U.S. and Islamic law, he should be put to death.
          The article furthers explains how disgusting the actual trial went. He was originally charged with manslaughter, and then got downgraded to illegal use of weapon. Then, the Israeli military tried to cover up the murders, saying that they shot at one man, not two women. But the evidence collected from Palestinian human rights groups and other eyewitnesses overwhelmingly rejected that pathetic lie. The soldier said that he shot at the women because he “felt threatened.” What a load of bullshit. An IDF soldier, with an automatic rifle, and backed by tanks and helicopters, is “threatened” by two women waving a white flag as they flee for their lives? Give me a fucking break.  

          On top of all this, this Israeli soldier is the only Israeli soldier to face “prosecution” for their terrorist acts during Operation Cast Lead. There are still hundreds, perhaps thousands of Israeli soldiers, commanders, and politicians that have gotten away with terrorist acts and murder. According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Operation Cast Lead killed:
          1417 Palestinians total, of which:
          926 civilians, which includes 429 women and children,
          255 police officers,
          236 fighters.

          Meanwhile, during the same time frame, the Israelis suffered 13 causalities, of which 3 were civilians and 10 were soldiers. 

          Just from the numbers you can tell that Israel completely disregarded the safety of civilians. Their radical, racist views that the Palestinians are sub-human convinced them that they don’t deserve to enjoy the same basic human rights that Israelis have. The article goes on to explain “Anonymous Israeli Accounts of Deliberate Civilian Murder”, admitting that they carried out terrorist attacks against civilians. Sometimes the soldiers just felt like doing it, other times their commanders and superior officers ordered that they do it.

          On the other hand, the majority of the Israelis killed by Palestinian resistance fighters were soldiers. The numbers show that even though the Palestinians had less sophisticated weaponry, they still primarily aimed at Israeli soldiers. This completely refutes the standard narrative of the U.S. mainstream media that the Israelis are the “good guys” and that the Palestinians are “terrorists.”     
          In conclusion, this only further adds to the extremely long list of reasons of why Israel is an illegitimate state, and that the Palestinians have every right, under international, philosophical, and religious law, to engage in armed resistance to protect themselves and liberate their land from foreign occupation. They have every right to defend themselves from terrorist attacks. All people, regardless of religion or race, have the right to defend themselves from terrorist attacks. This perversion of justice also adds to the extremely long list of reasons why the U.S. should immediately drop all foreign aid to Israel, as well as cut off all economic ties with the illegal, racist, apartheid state. As principled Americans we should not stand for our tax dollars being funneled to support terrorist attacks on unarmed civilians. That is against our American values, and we should condemn it, no matter who is the perpetrator and no matter who the victim is.

          Furthermore, the U.N. should arrest all Israeli commanders and politicians whose actions caused Palestinian civilian deaths, and put them on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. I know they will never do that, because the Zionists are too powerful, but in an ideal world, where people acted on principle, and did not make exceptions to those principles based on religion or race, that’s what the U.N. would do.

          Lastly, I’ve noticed that NONE of the big American news outlets have reported on this sentencing. I’m sure they’ve received orders straight from their Zionist masters and financiers not to publish anything that would make Israel look bad. I checked MSN, CNN, FOX, CBS, and ABC, and none of them had any articles about this story at all.

          Useful links:
          Washington D.C. based NGO that works to end the Israeli occupation:  and their other site:

          International Solidarity movement, (ISM):
          If Americans Knew:

          Donate to help Palestinians in need: and

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