Thursday, September 6, 2012

The CIA: a Global Terrorist Organization

          I came across a CNN article that found that the CIA water boarded at least one Libyan detainee in Afghanistan, as well as tortured at least more than a dozen others, (what a surprise really, the CIA loves torturing people, kidnapping people, and murdering people, so this is to be expected from one of the biggest terrorist organizations on the planet). 

          The report proved that George Bush was lying, (again, what a surprise), when he said that the U.S. only water boarded 3 terrorist suspects, none of who were Libyan.
          The article goes on to explain another sickening and pathetic example of U.S. “justice.” It says that “The rights group's accusations also come a week after the U.S. Justice Department closed a criminal investigation without charges into the deaths of two terror suspects in CIA custody.”
          The Justice Department doesn’t want to convict the CIA of anything bad, because that would make them look bad, and the U.S. look bad, and a conviction would only add to the extremely long list of crimes that the U.S. has done, and that list is a legitimate reason why so many people around the world hate the U.S. and want to fight against them. So of course they conveniently closed the investigation. Can’t get mad at the U.S. if they’re not convicted of anything, right, right? Innocent till proven guilty, right??
          Not only did the U.S. torture people who haven’t been convicted of anything, but then they handed the detainees back to Moammar Gadhafi’s government! The same government that we railed against for decades and especially during the 2011 civil war for being autocratic, murderous, oppressive, and guilty of state terrorism and torture. And we gave detainees back to that government to do whatever they wanted to do to them? Doesn’t that kind of answer your question of why so many people hate the U.S.?  We’re cooperating with torture with one of the worst governments on the planet. What does that make us?
          Maybe you’d understand more if you imagined this scenario: A state sponsored organization, such as the KGB, or Chinese Special Forces, etc, is going around the world, kidnapping people. There are no charges, no access to a lawyer, no rights read, nothing. This organization just goes around different countries, kidnapping them out of their homes in the dead of night, and brings them to an unknown secret KGB facility, or secret Chinese base. Some of their victims include Americans. These Americans might be your family, neighbors or friends. That’s right, KGB squads or North Korean Spec Ops teams are going around your state, your county, your neighborhood, and kidnapping people.
          There, they torture their victims, using techniques that are banned by international laws and conventions, but they don’t care, because they believe that due to their nationality, that they are above any law. Some of their victims die as a result of this torture. But no one is brought to justice. The victims’ families will forever wonder what happened to their loved ones, grieving in a pain that never goes away.
          Some other victims, after being tortured, are found to have not committed any crime or act of terrorism at all. But are they freed? No, they’re given off to some third world authoritarian dictatorship or junta, let’s say like Burma or Yemen. Then starts another round of torture and death for them.  
          The CNN article only touched on one of the horrible things that the CIA does, it did not even touch on the other things that would classify this organization as a global terrorist organization, such as targeted drone strikes on civilians or supporting dictators and corrupt government in counter-insurgency operations against freedom fighters. If you add all of those things together, you get the global capacities that al-Qaida could only dream of.
          Wouldn’t you be just a tad pissed off at the country that was doing all of this, in this example, either Russia, China, or North Korea? Wouldn’t you want the U.N. to designate them as a state terrorist, so they might be applicable to sanctions, or cut off from foreign aid, etc? Wouldn’t you want that country to just simply stop what they’re doing and MIND THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS?! If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then maybe you can understand why many people around the world hate America and what it does. And maybe you can understand that this hate is not born out of jealousy, racism, or ignorance, but rather it is legitimate, rational, and logical.

          P.S. for people who don’t believe that water boarding is serious torture, they should watch this video of a conservative radio host who volunteered to be water boarded, thinking that it wasn’t a big deal, it wasn’t torture, and that people were lying about it being torture, just as an excuse to bash this country. Wanna see if he changed his mind afterwards?

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