Thursday, February 27, 2014

Russia done fucked up several times recently

      It's not a good time to be Russia right now. Sure, they won the 2014 Winter Olympics, but honestly, who the fuck cares about the Olympics, which is a contest to how much countries can spend on their athletes, rather than the skill of the athletes themselves, (Do you notice how it's almost always the rich countries who win? WHAT A COINCIDENCE?!?! But I digress, that is an issue for another post).
      Aside from winning the Olympics, Russia has made a series of internal and foreign policy blunders within the last couple of months. I think it's showing to a lot of people around the world that Russia is not the "good alternative" to buddying up to the U.S. Russia may talk smack about U.S. war crimes and acts of terrorism, but at the end of the day, they do the exact same thing, just to different countries. So let's go through the list of recent Russian DANG FLABBITs, shall we?

      1. Picking the wrong side in the Ukraine revolution.     
      Yep, they just bet on the wrong horse on this one. From the beginning, the Russian government supported the now deposed "President" of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. They did this because they wanted to keep their "special" relationship to Yanukovych's government. They could not tolerate even the mere chance that someone else that could run the government would not give them all the same benefits that Yanukovych did. The Russians went about the narration of the conflict with their usual pathetically weak propaganda: that the anti-government protesters were just a bunch of "Nazi pro-Western stooges." (I'm not making this up, Google it. You can't get any better than this. WHO KNEW that Ukraine had a bunch of people that are Nazis yet love the countries that defeated the Nazis, right? RIGHT?!).
     The Russians continuously backed their story that the Ukrainian "security" forces had the right to use violence against the protesters. Figures, considering they're fascist bastards. And when the evidence kept and keeps pouring and pouring in that the police were shooting unarmed people, kidnapping people out of their homes in the dead of night, torturing them, beating them, etc, etc, the Russians just had no answer for all that. They fumbled furiously for a coherent rebuttal in their state narrative, but it was hollow and thin. Everyone could see it was just complete and utter bullshit. Now Putin, even with his comrades' gold Olympic medals, is avoiding the spotlight. He's just hoping people forget the whole thing and leave him alone to hunt bears in the wilderness without a shirt on.

      2. Oppressing gay Russians.
      Who thought that in today's political climate was it a good idea to persecute gays? Let me be clear: It's never a good idea to do so. But doing so today, with the recent gains gays have made in equality in the U.S., and the media spotlight already in Russia because of the Olympics, is extra damaging to the Russian image.  Russian gays are fleeing the country in droves because they can't stand life there.
     Some examples of Russian oppression against gays would be:
  • denying gay couples the ability to adopt Russian-born children.
  • allowing policemen to arrest anyone who is "suspected of being gay" and detain them for up to two weeks. 
  • Saying anything in defense of gays is considered "pornography."        
  • Taking away children from their parents if the parents are suspected of being gay,
  • Denying parade/march requests from organizations suspected of asking for equality for gays. 
  • Calling homosexuality the same as pedophilia,  
     3. Having police whip members of Pussy Riot in public.
     Even if you don't like Pussy Riot's goals and/or tactics, having policemen whip unarmed women in the streets for everyone to watch is a really fucking dumb thing to do,
     Pussy Riot is a very widely known band/advocacy group. Again, with dozens of cameras rolling on them because they were performing in Sochi, it's only going to lower Russia's image around the world to publicly whip them, detain them for several hours, and then let them go because they didn't do anything wrong. This only strengthens the narrative that Russia is ruthless in repressing any criticism. They have made some gains since they were the Soviet Union, but not by much it seems.

     4. Picking the wrong side in the Syrian revolution.
     Russia has been the lifeline for the Syrian government during their attempt to squash the revolution. Sure, Hezbollah and Iran have sent men to Syria to fight the rebels, but Russia has poured and poured vast amounts of Soviet era weapons to Bashar Assad. Without the seemingly endless supply of Russian weapons, there would be no way that Assad could keep up the amount of bombardments that he has been dishing out for years now.
     But what makes Assad the wrong choice in the revolution? Well, I could write a whole paper on that, so I'll give you the short version. Assad was not elected to power; he inherited the throne from his daddy. So that makes him an illegitimate ruler, because the people did not elect him to power. Therefore, the Syrian people have the right to use force against him since he did not hold free and fair elections. It doesn't matter if there are some radical rebel elements in the many groups fighting against Assad. That doesn't take away the Syrian peoples' right to use force against Assad.
     Back in 2011, the Syrian people peacefully asked for free and fair elections. And what did Assad do? He sent his soldiers in, and they shot and killed thousands of them, they kidnapped others from their homes, tortured them, maimed them, raped them, and mutilated them. He took away their right to assemble, their right to speech, their right to choose what government rules them, their right to bear arms, right to free press, right to petition their government, right not to have soldiers in their houses, right to be secure, etc, the list just goes on and on. I mean, this guy is just fucking sick. You are fucking sick if you can see all the horrible thing Assad has done to his people and still support this dude.
     Yes, the radical rebels are bad, but Assad's crimes are 10 times worse. He has more power, so he has more opportunity to deal damage. Anything the radical rebels have done bad, Assad has already done 10 times as bad. The radical rebels have caused pain and chaos for 3 years; The Assad regime has caused pain and suffering for more than 4 decades. The Syrian people deserve the right to govern themselves. Nothing can change that fact. If they gotta beat Assad, the radical rebels, Iran, and Hezbollah, then so be it.

So yeah, that's why the Russian government, (not the Russian people), and specifically Vladmir Putin, completely suck dick.


Friday, February 14, 2014

A step in the right direction in California

      There is some good news for gun rights advocates, (really everyone because the right to life and self-defense is good for everybody), in the fascist land of California.

     Yeah, I don't get to write that sentence very much.

     A court in San Diego struck down a law saying that self-defense was "not a good enough reason" to get a concealed carry permit:,0,6686752.story#axzz2tGYO0eUK

     Before, you had to have another specific reason to be able to get a permit, like "I have a crazy ex-boyfriend out in the streets." So, general reasons like "I want to be able to protect my family" or "I want to exercise my right to life" would not be good enough to get a permit.

     This is a step in the right direction to reshape the narrative about gun control. Gun control is about much more than just guns. It is about people being able to exercise their basic human rights of right to life and right to self-defense. Every human in the world, regardless of race or religion, is born with these rights, among many others. When you take away someone's ability to get a concealed carry permit, you take away their ability to exercise their right to self-defense. You make them a helpless sitting duck to any criminal, psycho, mass shooter wanna be, etc, etc, the like. And this country sadly has a lot of those. You can't say "Oh, that'll never happen around where I live." Well, every single person has thought that....until it did happen.

     You cannot rely on the police. The police couldn't give a damn about you. Sure, there are some good cops, but every single cop I have met in person has been a drunk with power asshole, not caring about me at all, even when I've been the one that had called them in the first place because I was in trouble!

     You should not need a specific reason to get a concealed carry permit. You are born with natural human rights that justify getting one at any time, in any situation. When you don't allow people to get one, or have a fascist "gun free zone," you are basically saying that it's okay for anyone in that zone to die, because you're taking away their only way to defend themselves. To hell with their right to life, you're a progressive liberal who is just trying to protect people from crazy gun nuts!!!!

      Maybe California will see the light in this issue, and start to roll back all their other hundreds and hundreds of fascist gun control laws. Maybe they'll get rid of their hundreds of fascist gun free zones. Maybe, I dunno, nor does anyone else. But if they do, the liberals will fight tooth and nail on every single court case to try and make sure that doesn't happen. They are petrified of an armed citizens who knows their rights.

     Fascists usually are.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The immigration reform that we actually need

    I'm probably gonna get some shit for this, (or maybe none at all cuz no one knows how to counter anything I write) but as you should know by now, I literally could not give a fuck. I'm sorry that I'm "racist," (even though I can't be racist towards half of myself), too "radical" or "extreme" for suggesting the one fucking thing that will solve a problem, while most people just skirt around the issue with PC and convoluted suggestions that won't do jack shit. This post is gonna be very short because the solution is so simple. The fact that our worthless shit faced leaders haven't solved this problem speak to their incompetence and point to the conclusion that they just don't want to solve this problem, even though they perfectly well can.
     We're talking about immigration reform here guys. Here's all we need to do to solve it:

  1. The U.S.-Mexican border is 1,954 miles long. A U.S. Army or Marine can shoot a sniper rifle effectively, on average, half a mile, (some are much better but others aren't). So that's at least 3,908 soldiers we need to effectively guard the border. Factor in difficult to see terrain for some parts of the borders, plus back-up squads and support personnel, and we're looking at what, 5,000, 6,000 soldiers tops to guard the border. Maybe a little more but that just goes to show you how few soldiers we actually need to do it. 
  2. A massive police and citizen nation-wide crackdown to round up as many illegal immigrants as we can find in this nation and send 'em back to where they came from. We can't get all 12 million of them but we can get a sizable number. 
  3. Speed up the LEGAL immigration process. It's bogged and slowed down by excessive government red tape and micromanagement. There's no reason why it needs to take as long as it does. We have the NSA, we can find out every detail about anyone who's alive right now to do a background check in 5 seconds. My family from my dad's side came over here, legally, even though they were poor as shit. My mom's side was chilling in northern Mexico, minding their own business, and then the U.S. invaded and made the place Texas and my family just stayed there and became U.S. citizens because they wanted to stay on their land.  
  4. Change U.S. culture. Oh yes, changing culture is hard and takes a long time. So we gotta start now. We have to change people's mindsets and attitudes towards illegal immigration. We have to get people thinking that yes, it is a crime to come to this country illegally. Just because your life sucks in Mexico doesn't mean that suddenly, Mexican, U.S., and international law doesn't apply to you and suddenly you can break whatever law you want. Show them that yes, the majority of illegal immigrants commit other crimes besides the crime of being in this country illegally, Show them that no, giving illegal immigrants benefits like in-state tuition and driver's licenses does nothing to help the situation at all, it just costs taxpayer's more money to pay for benefits for criminals.
     So there you have it. The problem could be solved in a few months, but our politicians don't want to solve it, because they benefit from illegal immigration, the drug war in relation to our current border situation, and get votes from the Hispanic-American community by not doing anything I suggested. Suck it.

     P.S. So am I racist to half of myself? Is it my right side of my body or my left side of my body that is the Hispanic part that I hate so much because apparently anyone who suggests anything I suggested is OBVIOUSLY racist towards Hispanic people, right?!?!?!!