Friday, February 14, 2014

A step in the right direction in California

      There is some good news for gun rights advocates, (really everyone because the right to life and self-defense is good for everybody), in the fascist land of California.

     Yeah, I don't get to write that sentence very much.

     A court in San Diego struck down a law saying that self-defense was "not a good enough reason" to get a concealed carry permit:,0,6686752.story#axzz2tGYO0eUK

     Before, you had to have another specific reason to be able to get a permit, like "I have a crazy ex-boyfriend out in the streets." So, general reasons like "I want to be able to protect my family" or "I want to exercise my right to life" would not be good enough to get a permit.

     This is a step in the right direction to reshape the narrative about gun control. Gun control is about much more than just guns. It is about people being able to exercise their basic human rights of right to life and right to self-defense. Every human in the world, regardless of race or religion, is born with these rights, among many others. When you take away someone's ability to get a concealed carry permit, you take away their ability to exercise their right to self-defense. You make them a helpless sitting duck to any criminal, psycho, mass shooter wanna be, etc, etc, the like. And this country sadly has a lot of those. You can't say "Oh, that'll never happen around where I live." Well, every single person has thought that....until it did happen.

     You cannot rely on the police. The police couldn't give a damn about you. Sure, there are some good cops, but every single cop I have met in person has been a drunk with power asshole, not caring about me at all, even when I've been the one that had called them in the first place because I was in trouble!

     You should not need a specific reason to get a concealed carry permit. You are born with natural human rights that justify getting one at any time, in any situation. When you don't allow people to get one, or have a fascist "gun free zone," you are basically saying that it's okay for anyone in that zone to die, because you're taking away their only way to defend themselves. To hell with their right to life, you're a progressive liberal who is just trying to protect people from crazy gun nuts!!!!

      Maybe California will see the light in this issue, and start to roll back all their other hundreds and hundreds of fascist gun control laws. Maybe they'll get rid of their hundreds of fascist gun free zones. Maybe, I dunno, nor does anyone else. But if they do, the liberals will fight tooth and nail on every single court case to try and make sure that doesn't happen. They are petrified of an armed citizens who knows their rights.

     Fascists usually are.

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