Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We must support the oppressed Uighurs in China

Last week, tensions flared in China's Xinjiang province between the autocratic Communist government and the Uighur minority that they repress.

The Chinese government accuses the Uighurs of committing "terrorist acts," which, like 95% of what the Chinese government says, is complete fucking bullshit. Governments have thrown the word "terrorist" around so much in recent decades that basically the word has lost all meaning. If you see the word in any publication or article, an alert should beep in your head, saying "BS! BS!"

As I've described in my past posts, terrorism is an attack on unarmed civilians. Therefore, by definition, you cannot commit a terrorist attack against military or government targets. If you attack one of those two targets, then it is an act of war, and you become a rebel against the government, not a terrorist.

The article above says that the Uighurs attacked police stations. A logical place to attack, seeing it as the policemen in China are the ones oppressing, kidnapping, torturing, and repressing the people of China. The policemen cannot do all those things to Chinese civilians, and then cry foul when they decide to fight back.

China, being a country who views people as little more than commodities and resources to use in order to get more wealth for itself, wants to take away the Uighurs' right to life and right to defend themselves. They view humans, especially religious and ethnic minorities, as being sub-human, and therefore do not deserve to enjoy basic human rights. They use the resources that the Uighur communities live in, but the Uighurs never see any of the benefit from the sale and use of these resources. In effect, the Chinese are stealing their resources and wealth. They do not allow the Uighurs to practice their religion freely.

So, what should we Americans do about this? Well, a look at our American values will help us answer this question. As a people who's nation was born out of the shaking off of tyranny and oppression, we must stand with the Uighurs in their fight for freedom and independence. It is absolutely sickening that the U.S. is with the Chinese government against the Uighurs. It is another sign that this current government has betrayed our American values for power and money.

The article above says that the U.S. helped Chinese authorities interrogate and torture Uighurs.

Here are some steps we can take to help the Uighurs and to get our government to stop in aiding their oppression:

1. Call your senator, representative, the White House, and demand that the government respect the rights of all people, regardless of race or religion, to be free and able to elect their own system of government. The U.S. government, on American principles, must stop aiding the Chinese oppression and all trade with China. Seem radical? Fuck yeah its radical. Extreme situations call for extreme remedies. The Chinese government taxes all goods coming to and from the US. They can use that tax money to pay more police officers to oppress Uighurs, buy more weapons, more military vehicles, more government goons, etc. So when we buy something that is made in China, we are funding Uighur oppression.
Now, I realize that 90% of the things we buy is made in China. So realistically, we cannot buy nothing from China. All I ask is that you limit the amount that you buy from China as realistically as you can without creating hardship for yourself. The less we buy from China, the less money they have to oppress not only the Uighurs but all of their citizens.

2.Educate yourself about the Uighurs. People won't listen to you if you don't know what you're talking about! The Uighurs are not a common household name that people will recognize like British or French. So read up on Chinese history, the background of the conflict, and the conflict as it is today.

3.Spread awareness about the situation in Xinjiang. Most people, due to censorship by the U.S. and Chinese government and media, have no idea about what the Uighurs are going through. The media hardly ever reports on it, and when they do, they just demonize the Uighurs as "Muslim terrorists." We must counter this censorship by sharing articles and information about the Uighur struggle, and say that no, they are not terrorists, they are simply human beings who want freedom and independence, same as every other human wants.

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