Wednesday, July 17, 2013

U.S. government is rewarding criminals while hurting American citizens

The ridiculousness of the U.S. government knows no bounds, and one of the best examples of this is their view on illegal immigrants. The latest step in rewarding these criminals is offering them in-state tuition for college:

This makes my blood boil and just leaves a reaction screaming in my brain "WHAT THE HELL?!" It is utter insanity. The government is stabbing itself with a knife and thinks it is helping the country out. What's even more mind-boggling is how the vast majority of Americans are completely mute/don't care about this issue at all.

Let's get a few basics down before we dive any further into this. First of all, illegal immigrants are criminals. They are breaking a law, which makes them a criminal. No room for argument there. Even if you think the law is unjust, doesn't matter. Legally speaking, they are criminals. They are legally not supposed to be here. They are trespassing in this country, because the authorities in this country did not give them permission to be here.

And yet, we are rewarding this criminal behavior. Your and mine hard earned tax payer dollars, dollars that we actually worked for, is going to given to a criminal for free. You know, combining all the taxes taken out of my pocket, 20% of paycheck gets taken away from me. 20%. Yet I can barely afford gas and food, but God forbid a criminal trespasser doesn't get in state tuition for college. You know, I could really use that 20% of my paycheck. At least I know part of it is being completely fucking wasted.

Second of all, what the fuck is an illegal immigrant gonna use a college degree for? Good luck finding a job that needs a college degree that won't check your legal status in this country. Gardener, laborer, sure, you can find a job like that won't check your status, but good luck working in the corporate/government/NGO/business realm and not get checked.

An illegal immigrant will get a better tuition rate in Michigan than an American citizen who lives in neighboring Ohio, for example. And people are okay with this? What the hell is America doing, favoring foreign citizens over their own citizens? They are encouraging illegal immigration by enacting these ridiculous laws. A foreigner living in his/her own country can look at the laws being passed in America, and think to himself/herself "Hm, wow, I can make a pretty good living by getting into the U.S. illegally. Some colleges will give me in-state tuition, some states will give me a driver's license, (such as D.C. and Maryland are trying to get done), and I don't have to pay taxes on my income because the government has no SSN to tax me by! Well, let's go then!"

Meanwhile, I have to pay 20% of my paycheck in taxes, while Mr. Illegal over here get's to keep 100% of his paycheck. Fucking bullshit.

That ends my rant for the week. But I feel I also have to include rebuttals for the most common arguments for illegal immigration, because without those, I feel my argument will not be as effective. So, here they are:

1. You're racist.
Rebuttal: I get this every. Single. Time I argue against illegal immigration. That is illegal immigration advocates' first argument against me without a doubt, every single time. All I say is: You're an idiot. I've half Spanish. My mom's side of the family came from Spain and Mexico. They immigrated here legally, LIKE YOU'RE FUCKING SUPPOSED TO. So I'm racist towards myself? Or technically, half of myself? Get the fuck outta here.

2. The illegal immigrants come from war-zones, poverty, abuse, corrupt places, etc, etc, so they're simply fleeing a bad situation, so we shouldn't turn them away.
Rebuttal: Just because you're coming from a bad situation doesn't mean that suddenly international, Mexican, and U.S. laws don't apply to you, and you can do whatever you want. Sorry, the world doesn't work that way. You can go to another country besides the U.S., or apply for refugee status in the U.S. That is preferable because it's LEGAL.

3. Illegal immigrants really aren't committing a crime.
Rebuttal: Okay then, I can just break into your house and take your stuff. I'm not really trespassing or stealing, right? I'm just a poor, down trodden immigrant, looking to help myself. You can't get me to stop, otherwise you're a racist. Please, give me a fucking break. Legally, they are breaking a law. Besides that, using logic and rational, they are committing a crime. 

4. The American economy depends on illegal immigration, so we shouldn't turn them away.
Rebuttal: The fact that our economy is dependent on illegal activity is only more proof that something is very wrong with the system and we need to change it. The unemployment rate is unacceptable. Purging the illegal activity from the economy will free up more jobs for desperate, poor Americans who need a full-time job to get by. Oh, you think illegals do the jobs Americans don't want to do? Fuck no. I'm currently working part-time but I'm still looking for full-time work. I wouldn't mind in the least bit to go out and be a gardener or a farmer or a construction worker. I don't care what I do, I need a freaking paycheck so I can get on with my God damn life.

What can ordinary Americans do about this? Be proactive, because the illegal immigrant supporters are out there every damn day, working to help criminals. Find out who your senator/representative is, and see their voting record on illegal immigrant issues is. If they vote to help criminals, then vote them out next election. Find out who in which colleges is pressing to give illegal immigrants in-state tuition, and send them a letter, write to their boss, telling them your dismay, petition, etc, etc. If we stand idly by, working our jobs and going about our daily lives without acting on this, then in a few years time this country will look vastly different than what it looks like now, (no I'm not talking about race, you race baiters,) and American citizens will be second class citizens in their own country.       

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