Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You wonder why us young people are mad

You wonder why us young people are mad?
 Maybe it's because older people say we are lazy, don't work at all,
Yet the average work week is longer than it's been in over a decade.
Maybe it's because they say we're dumb, don't know shit,
Yet we're the most educated generation America has ever had.
Maybe it's because they say we're stupid with our money,
Yet inflation has made it even harder for us just to get by.

Maybe it's because they're saying we're ruining this country,
Yet we're not the ones who tanked the whole fucking economy,
nor were we the ones that launched the disastrous wars of Afghanistan and Iraq,
and Yemen,
and Somalia,
and Pakistan,
and Libya,
and who knows Gods where tomorrow.

Maybe it's because they say we need to more mature,
Yet we're the ones who have to balance two part-time jobs and school at the same time,
We weren't privileged like you mother fuckers,
Who could just work during the summer and bam your school is paid for the year.
We work more for less money,
and you say we should be more grateful?   

Maybe it's because they fuck up shit and then act like it's our fucking fault,
We weren't the ones that shipped all the middle class jobs overseas,
We weren't the ones that have destroyed the standard of living in this country,
We weren't the ones that passed thousands upon thousands of stupid ass government red tape that strangles small businesses,
We weren't the ones that create corporate loopholes so companies that make billions in profit don't have spend a God damn fucking dime on it.

They vote for the same two parties again and again and again,
Political parties that have a proven record for killing jobs,
and then they berate us for not finding jobs.
They scold us for not trusting people,
But never fail in the opportunity to backstab us again and again and again.

They say innovation is the key to future of America,
Yet they castigate us for not doing things exactly how they did them.
They wonder why we can't find jobs,
Yet they make it legal for companies to discriminate in hiring based on race or gender. 
They pass law after law curtailing our freedoms,
Then complain that we get arrested too much.
Well, maybe if you didn't make every third God damn fucking thing illegal,
People wouldn't get arrested as much,
You ever think of that, dickhead?

Yeah, I admit, there are some lazy stupid young people.
But there are lazy and stupid people of every age.
For every lazy and stupid young person you find, I can find a lazy and stupid adult to match.
So your statements mean nothing,
Just because we are the same age doesn't mean we act the same,
Don't generalize a whole group of people,
You wouldn't want us to stereotype you fuckers, now would you?

You think this is a mindless angry rant,
Yeah, maybe it fucking is,
I'm only ranting because I'm constantly being told not to complain,
Not to talk back,
Not to rile up the system,
Not to be ungrateful,
To accept my poverty and fucking deal with it.
All this anger at injustice, at avarice, at arrogance, at haughtiness, at just straight up being a self centered bitch,
Just builds up over the years when we're not allowed to express our opinion, our thoughts, our anger at the shit you've thrown at us.  

Why don't you older people just shut the fuck up,
Get off our fucking God damn backs as we toil and sweat in low wage jobs,
Let us get through this hell as best we can,
This hell you created for us!

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