Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Listen to the facts; don't support or not support someone just because of their race

     I avoided writing about Ferguson for a long ass time because I am so fucking sick of seeing that God damn town on every single God damn newspaper and website in the fucking world. But after seeing literally millions of people act like fucking retards when it comes to Ferguson, I am compelled to write about it.
     Bottom line: Stop supporting/not supporting someone just because of their race. Because that's racist. You are judging someone by the color of their skin. That is the textbook definition of racism. If you're white, and solely supporting Darren Wilson because he's white, and you're not paying attention to any of the facts/physical evidence, then fucking stop. If you're black, and solely supporting Michael Brown because he's black, and you're not paying attention to any of the facts/physical evidence, then fucking stop. The only way we're going to stop racism is by being edgy, by getting in racists' faces and call them out for the fuckers they are. That's why I'm cursing a lot now. That's why I'm being confrontational. Because if you're quite in the face of racism, then it will flourish. That's why it has been flourishing in America long after the Civil Rights Movement was done. Because people have become pussies. They don't stand up to anyone/anything anymore for fear of a confrontation.
     Race shouldn't matter. I support Darren Wilson because of the physical evidence and eyewitnesses' accounts. Not because he is white. If he was black and Michael Brown was white, I would still support Darren Wilson. If Wilson was Chinese or Hispanic or Hawaiian or whatever the fuck someone could be, I would still support him.
     The physical evidence supported that Michael Brown attacked Wilson in his car. Everyone, regardless of race or creed, has the right to self-defense if they are being attacked first. It doesn't matter if Wilson rolled up close to Brown or told him to get on the sidewalk. None of that is physical violence, so Brown had no right to attack him. Brown was the aggressor. Wilson had every right to use whatever force he deemed necessary to neutralize Brown and stop him from attacking him.
     This right to self-defense is a logical aspiration to make universal. For if you don't support it, then the only other alternative to follow is for Wilson to just sit there and let Michael Brown attack and kill him. You would be condemning Wilson to death because of his race, he can't protect himself, otherwise that would be racist. See how absurd it is?!
     Yes, there is a serious problem of police brutality in this nation. Eric Garner's death is testament to that. But the Brown case is not a case of police brutality. It is a problem of thug culture. Brown thought there were going to be no repercussions of him robbing the convenience store and cursing/yelling/not cooperating with Wilson. Brown was a bully. He attacked the convenience store clerk and then saw Wilson, and thought "puny little white guy" and started being a jerk towards him. And when Wilson didn't allow himself to be bullied, Brown got enraged and attacked him.
     Sadly, there were a lot of black people, who when they heard about this incident, all they heard was "black person shot by white cop." They didn't look into any of the details of the story. They didn't listen to any of the physical evidence. They didn't listen to any of the eyewitnesses who said anything that supported Wilson's side of the story. Nope. None of that. They determined in their minds that since Wilson was white, he was automatically and without question, wrong, the bad guy. They also determined that Brown, since he was black, was automatically and without question, right, the good guy.
     This is basing your opinion on the people's identity, and nothing more. By saying that black people are always right/the victims, etc, and white people are always wrong/the aggressors, etc, you're creating a zero sum game between whites and blacks. It's winner take all. You no longer look at the facts to determine who is right and wrong. You make all white people the enemy. Now, some white people, who would ordinarily protest against police brutality, are now forced to defend themselves because they are under attack because of their race.
      Take me for example. I hate the police. I like to be as far away from them as possible. But since the media is making all white people to be the aggressors, I have to stop what I'm doing, which, from my past posts, is anti-police state, pro-human rights, anti-surveillance, etc, and turn around and deal with all these people who are calling all white people oppressors and racists. It divides us. The media and their 1% overlords want this divide. Suddenly, we're distracted. We're no longer attacking the system, we're busy fighting each other. The system profits off this distractions.
      If you honestly think that there is a race or creed out there that is 100% right in EVERYTHING that they do, that NEVER do anything wrong, then you are a racist bigot who is fucked up. There's no going around it. There are wrong and right people in every race and religion. If you hear Muslim and think "Oh he's wrong" or if you hear Jew, and think "Oh, he's always an innocent victim" then you have no place in this reality because your mind is in a totally made up one.    


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