Tuesday, January 7, 2014

People admire Obama for WHAT?!

     The mindless drones that are Obama worshipers continue to adore him, even as he fucks them over again and again. This is evident in the poll that shows that Barack Obama is the most admired man in the world for the 6th year in a row. 


      The insanity of this is mind boggling. These people conveniently ignore and do not mention the numerous horrible, atrocious, and sickening actions that Obama does year after year, and turn all of those actions into good, helpful, noble actions. They defy logic. They clash against rationale. When I mention these awful crimes that Obama does, his lovers simply cannot respond. They have no response when challenged on their beliefs. The set of morals and values one must have to admire Obama is completely nauseating.

      Let's go through a list of all the crimes, horrible actions, and acts of terrorism Barack Obama has done while in office, shall we???

      1. Enacted policies that benefit the 1% and the Wall Street cronies.
      Obama acts like he's a friend to the poor, a protector to the most vulnerable of our society, when in reality, he couldn't give a flaming fuck about us. He's a servant to the 1% of our country, those fat greedy fucks whose sole mission in life is to gobble as much wealth as they can, and damn anyone who gets in their way. This article says it all:


      The stock market has had it's best year in several years, despite the fact that the economy is still in ruins, thanks to “quantitative easing” (money creation) by the Federal Reserve Board. This has helped Wall Street while destroying the middle class, because near zero interest rates undermine savings. Despite ample evidence of fraud, Obama has protected all Wall Street executives. Not a single one has been prosecuted for fraud or completely destroying the economy in 2008. He's also given fat cats a break such as in this example he "signed a stimulus bill that spent $165 on bonuses for AIG executives." 
     During George Bush's presidency, the top 1% percent earned 65% of the national income. Now, they earn 95% of it. Wall Street investment banks also get from federal loan guarantees what amounts to an $83 billion subsidy. And guess where the money from that subsidy comes from? Yeah, the sweat of us hard working Americans. President Obama has “redistributed” more tax dollars to crony capitalists than to the poor. From the $787 billion “stimulus” that didn’t stimulate, to subsidies for “green” companies that produced more corruption than energy, to Obamacare, every “investment” he has made has produced a windfall for the politically connected but hasn’t helped ordinary Americans.
     The evidence is overwhelming, and this is just from one article. There are literally dozens and dozens of other examples out there that all point to the same conclusion: Obama hates poor people, and loves the mega-rich. He says he's all about "reducing income inequality," yet he enacts policies that increase income inequality. 

     2. Enacted policies that directly hurt poor people.
     Remember that whole story about Mitt Romney paying less in taxes that his secretary? Well, guess who was the president during that time that approved that tax plan? Oh right, it was Obama. Obama makes the poor people pay more and more in taxes every year, while, percentage wise, he makes the rich pay less and less. I can just look at my paycheck from year to year and see the negative impacts the fat greedy politician has cost me. (I'm not going to tell you how much I make, rest assured, it's close to nothing).  In the first half of 2012, I paid 4.3% in all taxes combined. In the last half, I paid 9.1%. That's almost doubling my taxes in 6 months. Now, I pay a whopping 20.6% in all taxes. That's 1/5 of everything I make. That may not seem like a lot, to you people who make a lot more money than me. But when you don't make a lot of money, each percentage increase is felt more because poorer people need every dollar they make.
     Not only has Obama raised taxes directly on the vast majority of Americans, he's added more indirect taxes and taxes on things people buy. Obamacare alone put 21 new taxes on the American people. He gloats about it on it's own fucking website:


     3. Enacted fascist policies, such as the NDAA, the renewal of the Patriot Act, and the continuation of Guantanamo Bay.
     Liberals who cried and cried when George Bush, (I hate him just as much as Obama), enacted the Patriot Act were strangely silent when Obama signed the NDAA into law, which gives the government the right to kill you without having to give any reason at all. It also allows the government to indefinitely detain you, no trial, without charging you with anything, and without giving you access to a lawyer. Mussolini and Franco would be jumping with joy if they were in charge of a government with that legal power. The government can now basically do whatever it wants to the American people, and justify it as "fighting terrorism."
     Obama is perfectly clear: He hates the American people. He has declared war on the American people. He could not care less if you died right fucking now.

     4. Obama has increased the debt more during his first 3 years than George Bush did in his entire 8 years.
       Obama loves spending over peoples' money just as much as he hates them. His spending is completely and utterly out of control. We are trillions and trillions of dollars in debt. The deficit is skyrocketing. He  spends more in government handouts, spends more on the military industrial complex, spends more in foreign aid to dictators and terrorists, spends more in bloated government bureaucracies, more More MORE! It's never enough for him, he just has to out-do himself every year. Inflation is rising so much faster than people's wages, it's constantly decreasing peoples' spending power, making them poorer and poorer. He's just running this country into the fucking ground.


      5. Has killed hundreds of unarmed innocent civilians through his terroristic drone program, while trying to cover up how many civilians the program has killed. 
       God, does this make my blood boil. I can't stand it. I cannot stand my tax dollars being used to kill unarmed civilians WHO AREN'T FUCKING BOTHERING ANYONE. It's the very definition of terrorism. He is deliberately killing civilians in these countries so these governments will politically do whatever he tells them. It is no different than Al-Qaeda slamming planes into buildings to try and make the US do what it wants. In fact, Obama is worse than Osama Bin Laden could ever hope of being, because the US is a trillion times stronger than a dozen men in a cave. Thus, their capacity to do damage is a trillion times bigger than Al-Qaeda's. The US oppresses and kills more people than Al-Qaeda ever will.
     People try and skirt around this issue. They conveniently don't mention it when they are flattering Obama. Well, just because you don't talk about it, doesn't mean it isn't happening!!!! According to the definition of terrorism, Obama is a terrorist. It is not un-American to say so, in fact, it's in line with our American morals and values to tell the truth, to not judge Obama differently because of his nationality or position. Now matter what race, religion, occupation, or nationality a person is, we have a duty to say that if that person is killing unarmed people on purpose, that person is a terrorist!
      Look at just this one website, with all its examples, all its evidence, all its data on the terroristic drone program. It's completely overwhelming, it leaves no doubt at all. The Obama lovers simply have no response for this: "What? Obama kills innocent people? But....but...liberals like him love everyone!"


      The whole purpose of the program is to kill innocents, so people in Yemen, Pakistan, etc, will get mad at the US. Rightly so, they have every right to take up arms against the US to protect themselves. It is logical and rational, not driven by religious hate, as the neo-cons would have you believe. So when these people attack the US, the neo-cons can stand up and cry "Oh see how they hate us! They won't stop attacking us! We have to spend more on our military empire, more drone strikes, more intervention, more killing, more death, more misery, more suffering, and most of all: MORE AMERICAN TERRORISM! 

     6. Gives money and weapons to dictators, terrorists, and oligarchies, so they can kill even more unarmed people.
     Obama's endless blood-thirst isn't satisfied with the amount of the civilians the US kills directly, oh no, that wouldn't be nearly enough. So he gives billions and billions of dollars every year, our hard earned tax dollars, and gives them to governments, saying "Oh, I know you guys kill civilians on purpose, and oppress your people, and suck their wealth dry, and have a completely incompetent government full of crooks and cronies.....so here's 2 billion dollars to buy more weapons and tanks and missiles and jet fighters with. Have a nice day!"
      Just look at the top ten recipients of US foreign aid in 2012:


     Is that the type of governments you want running around with weapons bought with your money?! Selling weapons to terrorists is in of itself, an act of terrorism. The majority of these countries have terroristic governments. By definition, the US government is committing an act of terrorism by giving these governments money. Just Google these countries' human rights records and list of war crimes. You can go to HumanRightsWatch.org or AmnestyInternational.org or any of the hundreds of sites you will get in a Google search with any of these countries' human rights record. You could spend days reading all of them. It's sickening. We are financing the suffering of literally millions and millions of people. Why don't more people care? Just because they aren't Americans doesn't make them any less a people than we are. You and I could've just as easily been born in one of these countries as we could've in America.

     7. Supports the fascist NSA and their Orwellian policies and practices.
     Do I even need to say more? Every month or so we get a new revelation about how the NSA tramples all the fuck over our 4th amendment rights. It never stops. Just when you think it couldn't get worse...it does. Again and again. The NSA is the most fascist un-American institution out there. It's all about total and utter control of the American people. It doesn't do what it does to protect you, it doesn't give a flaming fuck about you or me. It just wants one thing: control.
     Here's just a few things the NSA does to you and me on a daily basis:
  • Steals your emails, (over 75% of all Internet traffic). 
  • Steals your phone calls, (Over 50% of the entire amount of cell phone calls made in the world. Reported by the Washington Post on December 5th , 2013). 
  • Infects computers with viruses and malware to get information.
  • Infects companies' computers and networks with viruses and malware in retaliation when the company doesn't hand the NSA the information it wants. 
  • Bribed companies with millions of dollars to get information.
  • Steals your Internet history. 
  • Can track your movement via your phone. 
  • Spies on foreign citizens, governments, journalists, and other news media. 
  • Broke it's own rules about surveillance 2,776 times. (They must be fucking retarded, or they simply don't care. Or probably both. What other company or business would still be running if they broke the rules 2,776 times?!) 
  • They intercept computers mid-shipment and install spyware on them. 
  • Snoops in on online video games (Oh yeah, gotta catch all those terrorists that play World of Warcraft online all the time huehuehue).
  • NSA leaders routinely lie about what they do/what they do not do, and lie about statistics about these programs. 
  • Secret courts "authorize" the NSA to do these programs, and the government tries to keep these courts secret so the public won't know what the NSA is authorized to do. 
  • Shares American's private information with Israel, (reported by the Guardian on September 11th, 2013).   
And guess what? Even the fucking god-damn piece of shit White House says all of these programs has not prevented a single terrorist attack! (White House panel, reported by NBC news on December 20th, 2013). So for all this bullshit, the program does not even attain the stated goal whatsoever.    

      People love Obama for this sick shit. They think he's the greatest thing to happen since Clinton. They think he honestly cares about the American people, but it's just those nasty Republicans who limit how much good he can do! How the hell can you admire a thief, a terrorist, a thug, a crook, a fascist, a rich elitist scumbag?!   
      Oh, I know the NSA looks at this website. I post provocative, anti-government posts all the time. I know they're all over this. They're probably gonna charge me with some bullshit charge like "online terrorism," even though I've never endorsed violence against civilians, and I has always spoken out against terrorist acts, no matter who the perpetrator is. Even if it's the President himself! Fine, let them spy on me, let them harass me, I don't care. I know I'm doing the right thing by speaking out against terrorism and criminals. If doing that gets me in trouble, then I'll wear it like a badge of honor.
      The stupidity of the American people is the #1 source of suffering for people in the entire world.
     And for you personally Mr. Obama:




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