Wednesday, December 11, 2013

France's colonist imperialism continues

     In case you guys didn't know, which is very possible considering how mum the US media is on this, France invaded another African country in the last couple of days, (They already invaded Mali earlier this year, wait, you didn't hear about that either?!). The latest victim of the French aspire to return to their colonial glory days is the Central African Republic, (CAR).
     Now, the CAR has a whole host problems without the French involved; it's not like France is the only cause of their problems. But certainly France's invasion has done nothing but benefit the 1% of French society. A quick summary of what's happening: The CAR is in a civil war right now, (as it is more often than not), and the battles lines are not exactly clear. We got a new government run by Michel Djotodia, the leader of the Seleka rebel group that came to power last year in a rebellion. They overthrew the government of Francois Bozize, who had come to power in 2003 by force, (hence was not legitimate).
     So we have this new Seleka government battling remnants of Bozize's fighters and supporters, in addition to people who are sick of the Seleka's many and horrible human rights abuses in their short 1 year rule. This was bad enough before the French invaded this year. But they did, fighting against the Seleka government.
     Here's the main point of this post, one that will show that France is not fighting to "help the poor African people or for humanitarian/selfless reasons." On December 9th it was reported that the French soldiers are going door to door in the capital Bangui, seizing all weapons and leaving the residents defenseless:

     You don't have to go any further to see why any sensible, ordinary, hard-working, law-abiding citizen of the CAR would fight against the French. They're seizing weapons that people, regardless of race or religion, are entitled to have to defend themselves and their family. This fascist crackdown leaves them without any weapons to defend themselves from any thugs or gangs that are taking advantage of the chaos due to the civil war. They've even taken machetes.

     The French are just making enemies at this point. I mean, how would you react if Chinese or Russian troops were walking down your street in your neighborhood, knocking down your doors, and demanding all of your guns and melee weapons? That's right, you'd say "Hell no and fuck no" and start fighting back against these foreign occupiers who are trying to deny you your rights. That's what our ancestors did against the British, that's what the French underground resistance did against the Nazis, and that's what the Vietnamese did against the French and the Americans.

     This isn't France's first meddling in the CAR. The CAR was France's former colony, in which the European country did the standard crimes that all colonial powers did back then: Abuse the country for cheap labor, deny them basic human rights, and stealing their natural resources for profit back home, while the citizens of CAR see none of that profit.
     France also supported the authoritarian dictator Francois Bozize when he was in power, and is currently backing his supporters in this civil war. That's right, all of the suffering that Bozize inflicted on his people, the French helped him do that, why? For a friendly government that they could manipulate and control. Since France was Bozize's lifeline, they could make him do whatever they wanted him to, since without them, he would surely fall rather quickly.

 What can we ordinary Americans do about this? You know I usually try to end a post with practical advice. Unfortunately, there is very little Americans can do about this; this is between France and the CAR. But we can use our voice. Just like I'm doing now, all I'm doing is typing on a keyboard. Use whatever social media you normally use: Facebook, Twitter, blog, Tumblr, etc, whatever, it doesn't matter. Write in defense of the citizens of CAR, since they hardly have the means to have their voices and opinions travel around the world in a nanosecond like you and I do. Explain to people how they have the right to defend themselves, that they have the right to violently overthrow a dictator like Bozize, who oppressed and repressed them for years. Explain that just like not all Christians are bloodthirsty killers like some of the extreme Christian vigilante groups in the CAR, that not all Muslims are bloodthirsty killers like some of the radical Seleka. There are good and bad in every race and religion. Preach equality, unlike some radical Americans, who support the French and support disarming all CAR Muslims so they will be defenseless. 

     So there you have it, an imperial power sticking it's nose in a civil war that is quickly becoming a sectarian war. Things are going to suck there for a while. A European country who has no business being there isn't helping at all. Did France learn anything from Vietnam? MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS AND STOP STEALING THINGS FROM OTHER PEOPLE!! 

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