Saturday, December 7, 2013

And everyone's...okay with this?

Every week, the world learns more and more about how the NSA is being the world's #1 douchebag when it comes to respecting our privacy and actually doing anything to protect us or better this country. This week's revelation is that they collect and log 5 billion cell phone calls everyday.

Not only that, but they use these logs to track your every movements. They can even track your relationship with others, since they have the ability to run tracking data to identify which cellphone users' paths cross, even when you're not even using it. When you move from cell phone tower range to another cell phone tower range, the NSA keeps track of these movement. When confronted about this by the Washington Post, the NSA replied in the most fucked up, retarded piece of shit reply I've ever seen in my entire life.

"NSA says it doesn't collect intentionally US location information in bulk."

Hey, NSA asshole dipshit. You log 5 billion cell phone calls every damn day. What, by accident? Do you expect anyone in the entire planet to believe that pathetic excuse?

The NSA just doesn't do this to terrorist suspects, no, it does it to millions of Americans, who have done nothing wrong. This is its normal, run of the mill practice, it's default surveillance. It's pissing companies off so much, that even big business proponents like Google and Microsoft are getting pissed off, and introducing new methods to try and hide data from the NSA. Because every time the NSA spies on an American, it has to get through a company's data in order to do so, such as Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, etc. And companies do not like that at all, not any less than Americans, but companies have more power to do something about it when they're pissed off. The American people have the potential to be more powerful, but that would require mobilization off their fat couches and doing something about it, which doesn't look like it's gonna happen anytime soon.

But, a small section of the population is getting really pissed off. Activists in Utah want to cut off the water supply to a NSA database center:

The NSA has called their database "FASCIA." Isn't it hilarious and ironic that word is very similar to the word "fascist?" Or maybe that's the reason they named it that in the first place, to publicly gloat how much fascism they're getting away with in broad daylight.

Oh wait, it gets better. The NSA also has infected ten of thousands of computers with viruses and malware to get the information they want.

This is massive destruction of the 4th amendment. The NSA is at war with the American people. They must hate us a hell of a lot to be able to do all the shit they do to us on a daily basis and be okay with it all. They believe they have the right, the privilege, to know anything and everything in the world, laws and logic be damned. They will do whatever it takes to get the information they want. They will pass any law to protect their own actions, so that if anyone complains, they can sneer "Oh it's legal!"

What can we ordinary citizens do about it? Not much unfortunately, but the things we can do, we should do very adamantly. Resist resist resist. Write to your congressmen, write letters to the editor to your newspapers, follow activist groups that are fighting on this issue, go to a protest, or write about in your blog, twitter, whatever. Heck, the NSA is probably reading this blog right now. I know I write provocative anti-government, anti-fascist, anti-neo con shit. I know exactly what I'm doing. Provocative, in your face shit gets people thinking. I ain't scared of the NSA, and nor should anyone else, including you. They're bullies, they're trying to intimidate us into submission. They're trying to scare us into not speaking up, to stay silent. They want complacent, docile, drone citizens. Don't let them win!!

To the NSA prick who's reading this: FUCK YOU ALL!!    

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