Thursday, October 3, 2013

Maybe this government shutdown will wake people the hell up

I don't even need to put a link for this story. Everyone knows the U.S. government shut down, and now doesn't have any money for anything except for "essential personal," (Like all those soldiers overseas and NSA pricks are "essential," but hey, that's another story.)

By itself, this shutdown wouldn't be an incredibly big issue, because hey, people run outta money every once in a while. If this was the one thing the government fucked up at, I'd forgive 'em.

But that's not even remotely the case, isn't it? This fuck up is only the last in an incredibly long and painful list of things our government does wrong. My argument today is that this shutdown should be the breaking point for people, because it is personally affecting their wallets.

The government is killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq? What do I care? I'm not in Iraq. My life is fine. 

I'm not getting my paycheck because of a government shutdown? AW FUCK NO MAN!! We gotta do something about this!

^^^Unfortunately, this is how most people think. It's psychological, but that doesn't make it right. Whatever, I'll take contempt against the government any way I can. The point is, our government has failed us. It's failed us a long time ago. Not just the people currently in office, but the system itself is busted. It doesn't care about us, the common people, the people struggling to pay our bills, to put food on the table. It only cares about the 1%, the unimaginable rich that line the politicians' pockets full to the brim with money.

Yes, there is a bit of difference between Republicans and Democrats, but at the end of the day, both parties want to tyrannize us with minimal rights and poverty, while they get to have all the wealth and power they want. Republicans and neo-Liberals want corporations to rule America. They want us to go back to the way things were in the 1930's, with sweat shops, no federally mandated safety laws, 12 hour shifts, no paid vacation, getting fired for no reason, no workman's comp if you've been injured on the job, etc. They want constant wars with 12+ countries at one time, killing civilians, stealing resources, and setting up illegitimate puppet governments.

Democrats and neo-Conservatives want the government to rule America. They want us to be like Italy and Japan in the 1940's, with no privacy, secret police and NSA spies knowing everything you're doing 24/7, no right to bear arms to defend yourself and your loved ones, no freedom of speech, Constitution be damned, (fuck that old piece of irrelevant shit!!!).

 At the end of the day, tyranny is tyranny. It doesn't matter whether the person shoving a gun against your temple is liberal or conservative, a government thug or a corporation thug. Both parties don't give a shit about us. The fact that so many people still vote for them stands as a testament to how good those parties are at brainwashing and dolling out propaganda. The parties don't even try to hide their agenda. It's out for everyone to see. They openly say they're going to do all these harmful things to people, and then those same people turn around and vote for them.

This article clearly states what I want to happen to Congress as a result of their extreme incompetence:

I'm surprised a government controlled media source openly said that people said "Off with their heads," and “Line ’em up and shoot ’em. I consider what they’re doing treason.” They might be exaggerating or half joking, but the words clearly show the extreme anger many people have with the government. People that don't normally get pissed off at the government, now are really pissed off at the government.

Okay, so what's the point of this entire rant? If you take one thing away from all this, it's this:
  •   Do not vote for a Republican or Democrat for any office. 
 These parties have treated us like shit for decades. It's time to throw. them. out. Every single one of them. A massing purging of government. Now you might ask "I happen to like many of the stances the Republican Party has," for example, "So why should I vote for another party whose stances I don't agree with?"

That's a valid question. I'm not asking for anyone to vote for a party that they don't believe in. I would ask that you research all of the third parties out there in America. There are a lot more of them then you might think. Research them, find out their opinions on important issues. I think you'll be thoroughly surprised that you'll find a couple that have the same opinions that you do. You just haven't heard of them yet because the main stream media puts a tight clamp over them when they're trying to get their message out. Here is a tentative list of them:   


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