Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is it insane to protest against the Russian government?

A man who was protesting against the Russian government last year, and found guilty of beating a policeman during that incident, was sentenced to forced psychiatric treatment.

There are several issues I have with this story. Let's deal with the police beating part of it, since that is the more serious of the two "crimes."
1. There's evidence that shows that Kosenko never even touched the police officer who was beaten.
"The majority of the evidence, including from the police officer himself, indicates that Kosenko never touched him," Tanya Lokshina, the rights group's Russia program director, said in the statement.

Sounds like the autocratic Russian government just wanted to punish Kosenko for his activist activities, and just made up this charge so they could stick him with something.

2. But let's say Kosenko did beat the police officer. Is it a crime to defend yourself against a government goon who is going to beat you up, simply because you are using your freedom of expression?
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the Russian government is militant, repressive, and theocratic. One must only look at places such as Freedom House or Human Rights Watch to see their long list of crimes.
Every human is entitled to certain rights, regardless of whether the government of the country they're living in, says it's legal or not. Therefore, when the Russian government thugs, a.k.a, cops, came to break up that protest in May of 2012, Kosenko, along with everyone else that was with him, still had their unalienable right to freedom of expression. If that police officer attacked Kosenko, he had the right to defend himself. Therefore, even if Kosenko beat up that police officer, he was still justified. I think you guys would agree that Kosenko shouldn't have just sat there and get his ass handed to him. If you believe that Konsenko was not justified, then you believe that, due to Kosenko political beliefs, he is a legitimate target of genocide, because the police officer, in his beating of Kosenko, could easily kill him. And that, sir and madams, is fascism.

3. It is not insane to protest and/or use force to defend yourself from a violent, corrupt, autocratic, non-legitimate regime.
As I have said in many past posts, it is logical and rational to fight against an entity that is taking away your human rights. For centuries, men and women have taken up arms against oppressive governments. People have a primeval yearning to control their own affairs; it is against nature to want to control them. Do not believe the mainstream media, (MSM), which brainwashes people into thinking that using force in self-defense is barbaric and terrorism. They are doing that to soften people up so that they will not resist the government when it slowly, bit by bit, takes away our human rights.
There is reason why protest groups, who want to be committed to a policy of non-violence, have to train their members to be non-violent even in the face of police breaking up their rally. It is because non-violence is contrary to the vast majority of peoples' instincts. It is normal, mainstream, to fight to protect yourself. But the MSM is trying to tell everyone that it's exactly the opposite! They're trying to say that non-violence is the norm, and that people have to be exposed to "extremist ideology" or "radical thought" in order for them to use force in self-defense! 
Therefore, the punishment of forced psychiatric treatment for Kosenko, who did a logical and rational action, is totally illogical. It's Russia's way of saying "resistance against us is insane. The only rational thing is doing everything we say." It seems Russia has changed little from when it was the Soviet Union.   

What can we ordinary Americans do to help Kosenko and other people who are opposed to Russian fascism? Well, very little, unfortunately. That's the sad truth. America has little to no control over what Russia does, especially in internal affairs. But what we can do is this:

  • Spread the word about this story. Have you seen this in any MSM newspaper or website? (Besides CBS obviously). Didn't think so. Simply sharing the CBS story on FB, Twitter, heck even Tumblr, whatever social media you use, will let people read this story who may have otherwise never came across it. 
  • Follow Human Right Watch's campaign for Mikhail Kosenko, as well as news from Amnesty International. If you can afford to and agree with these group's values, consider donating to them.
  • Present a counter-argument against people who say along the lines of "Only governments can use violence, if a person does it, it's terrorism." This is what I did here in this post, is present a counter-argument and defense for Kosenko. Go ahead, you can do it as well. Use my points if you want to, I don't care, it's not like I copyright any of this shit. 
  • Demand that the United States government not conduct any business with Russia. Our American values tell us that we cannot do business with freedom hating governments, because the money we give them can be used to stifle dissent and destroy liberty. I, for one, do not want that on my conscious. On principle, we must isolate Russia until they change their ways, or weaken them enough that a more freedom loving group comes into power. The fact that America does so much business with Russia makes us guilty in the oppression of the Russian people. We are financing their suffering. IT'S GOT TO FUCKING STOP!!  


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