Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney and Obama: Identical Clones When It Comes To Israel

           From his previous actions, it was easy to tell that Mitt Romney is an Israeli lapdog, eager to stoop down and do anything his Zionist masters tell him to, before he made his most recent trip to Israeli yesterday. Even though Romney has told supporters that he would do “exactly the opposite” that Obama has done to Israel, in reality they do/will do the exact same thing. Both have supported giving Israeli billions of dollars to further their human rights abuses and illegal foreign occupation. Both have supported letting Israel attack Iran, even though Iran only wants the exact same technology that the U.S. and Israel already have. In short, both of them have let/will let Israel do whatever it wants to, and support them in any war crimes or terrorist attacks that Israel wants to commit.

          Am I surprised that Romney is in Israel, pandering to Israel, putting on a yamaka and visiting the Wailing Wall even though he clearly isn’t a Jew? No, I already knew that he was like 99.9% of American politicians, eager to please their Zionist masters for money and political support. I’m just letting everyone else know; in case there was any doubt. 

          The Christian Science Monitor reported that Romney wanted to highlight that “the administration has failed to stand behind allies,” (i.e. Israel).

          This statement is hilarious, ridiculous, and positively insane. Romney, and many other Republicans, have often criticized Obama for “abandoning Israel,” and “bullying Israel.” These statements do not reflect facts, but rather, pandering to Israel. Romney and Obama are simply playing the common election game “Who loves Israel the most?”
          Indeed, one of the things I hate about Obama the most is his constant political, economic, and military support for Israel. During his first term in office, Obama has:

          1. 2009 refused to prosecute Israel for its war crimes, terrorist attacks, and crimes against humanity during its 2008-2009 Gaza massacre.

          2. 2009 gave Israel $2.55 billion in military aid.
          3. 2010 refused to prosecute Israel for its crimes and murders against the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish boat that was part of a Gaza bound aid flotilla.
          4. 2010 gave Israel $2.75 billion in military aid.
          5. February 2011 Vetoed a U.N. Resolution that called Israeli settlements illegal. By all standards of international law, U.N. resolutions, the Geneva Conventions, and major religions and political philosophies, the settlements are illegal.

          6. 2011 gave Israel $3.00 billion in military aid.

          7. Backed down from demanding that Israel have a settlement freeze. Israeli settlements are against international law, U.N. resolutions, and since they are stealing territory from the Palestinians, they are an act of war.

          8. September 2011 Vetoed a U.N. Resolution to have Palestine recognized as a country, therefore oppressing the Palestinians by denying them their basic human rights.

          9. (Projected for 2012) Plans to give Israel $3.05 billion in military aid.

           So I have no fucking idea why Romney is saying that Obama is “abandoning” Israel. He’s doing quite the opposite: cozying up with Israel to get money and political support.

          Furthermore, Al Jazeera reported that Romney “supported Israel's right to defend itself.”

          This is also complete crap, and only further adds to Romney’s pathetic “I love Israel the most” charade, which is a very long charade. Israel, having ethnically cleansed a huge part of Palestine, and stealing that territory to make it a Jewish majority state, is not entitled to self-defense, because every inch of the territory it owns is stolen. An example to illustrate it would be like if your neighbor invaded your home and kicked out your family onto the street at gunpoint, so you get your guns and fight back, trying to retake your home. The neighbor can’t gasp to the police and say “I’m just defending myself and my home! He’s the home invader, not me!”

          Lastly, Romney displayed an abhorrent level of racism when he said the following BS:

          “As you come here and you see the [Gross Domestic Product] per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality. Culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference,” Romney said, repeating the conclusion he drew from that book, by David Landes. “And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”

          He is belittlingly and demeaning Palestinian culture, saying that it’s the reason why their GDP and overall economy is lower than Israel’s. That is an insult to the millions of Palestinians who work so hard to provide for themselves, their families, and their communities. That is an insult to the vibrant and extremely strong Palestinian culture, which has survived over 7 decades of almost constant war. If Romney would stop kissing Israel’s ass for 2 seconds and look up the reasons why the Palestinian economy is so weak, he would find the following reasons:

          1. Israel constantly steals land from the West Bank and Gaza.
          2. Israel has repeatedly stolen coastal water territory from Gaza.
          3. Israel constantly builds up roadblocks and checkpoints that choke the West Bank’s economy.
          4. Israel periodically and randomly closes its 5 border crossings with Gaza, preventing workers, equipment and products from crossing.
          5. Israel constantly steals Palestinian economical resources such as water reserves and date groves, hampering the Palestinian economy.
          6. Israel constantly bombs and shells Palestinians civilians in Gaza.
          7. Israel has thousands of Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of Palestinian children, jailed without charges, access to lawyer or healthcare, family visits and trials, (which they abuse and torture as well).

          In conclusion, Romney and Obama are one in the same when it comes to foreign relations to Israel. Their hideous and un-American support for this racist apartheid regime is equal. That is why I support Ron Paul and the Libertarian philosophy, who calls for a complete and utter end to military aid to Israel.

          Useful links:
          Washington D.C. based NGO that works to end the Israeli occupation:  and their other site:

          International Solidarity movement, (ISM):
          If Americans Knew:

          Donate to help Palestinians in need: and

         (Photo is property of the Christian Science Monitor) 

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