Monday, July 23, 2012

Double Standard on "Terrorism" Continues

By now everyone has heard of the story of 24 year old James Holmes, who killed 12 people and injured 58 in a mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. One could write a whole essay on all of the different issues this shooting involved: gun control, mental health issues, family values, etc. But I’m only going to talk about one aspect of it, one aspect that only a few people are talking about, and one aspect that really annoyed me more than any of the other lame and stupid arguments made about the other issues.

          I’m going to compare that story, with another story that didn’t grab a lot of headlines at all, so I’ll explain that one in a little bit more detail because readers may not be familiar with it. 

          The other story is about 22 year old Ulugbek Kodirov, an Uzbek man who came over to the United States to study medicine at Columbia University. Kodirov was found guilty of threatening to kill the president, providing material support for terrorism, and possession of an illegal firearm. He was sentenced to 15 years.

          What do these two stories have in common? My problem with them is what they have in common. In a nutshell, the first story is a clear act of deliberate terrorism, yet no one is calling it terrorism, and the second story is an act of legitimate war, as outlined by humanitarian law, historical development of man, and common fucking sense, (but apparently that’s too much to ask people to have now in days), yet everyone is calling it terrorism.
          Before we get into this discussion, a simple definition of terrorism will help us understand why the media, and the vast majority of the American people, are so wrong in this analysis.

         Terrorism: 1. systematic use of violence and intimidation to achieve some goal, and

          Terrorism doesn’t have to be about politics, it sometimes is, but it isn’t always. Our media wants you to think that terrorism is always about politics, because that serves their narrative and political goals. But terrorism can be about religion, race, or in Holmes’s case, just because he was an asshole who thought he had a crappy life and wanted a lot of attention. Another definition, the one I like to use, simply says that terrorism is the killing of unarmed civilians for a purpose. Could be any purpose. 

          So clearly, Holmes fits both definitions of being a terrorist, yet NO ONE in the lamestream media is calling him a terrorist. Why? Because it would disrupt their narrative that only Muslims and Arabs are terrorists. So they just don’t mention it. They never mention his ethnicity or his religion. But if a Muslim or Arab did the exact same thing, people would be trolling all over the place “All Muslims are terrorists, Islam is an evil religion that produces violence and hate, Islam is the reason why he did this!!” And all the usual xenophobic shit. If a black person happened to do the exact same thing, people would be trolling “All black people are gangster thugs! His race is the reason why he did this! Black people are pathetic lowlifes!” And all the usual racist shit.
          But since it was a white Christian who did this, people say he was just “mentally disturbed,” a “lone wolf,” and “doesn’t represent true Americans.” 

          Now that we’ve established that Holmes is indeed a terrorist, let’s move onto the Kodirov case. He wanted to kill the president, a man who has the power to send the nation to war, has the power to send in elite military units, (like Seal Team 6), to anywhere in the world to kill anyone he deems is a terrorist. The president is the leader of this country, heck, one of his titles is the “Commander in Chief.” By all respects, a legitimate target of war if you wanted to fight against the United States. Then why are we calling Kodirov a terrorist, when he wasn’t targeting innocent civilians, he was targeting members of the government!

          Think about it, let’s reverse the scenario.  Say an American wanted to kill Muhammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban. Omar has the power to send the Taliban to war, send in teams of Taliban soldiers to do a sneak attack. He’s their leader. By all means, a legitimate target of war. Would we call that American a terrorist? Of course not!

          This is the sickening double standard that I am so fucking tired of. Americans think that any attack on them at all, no matter what crimes they did to get people pissed off at them, is a terrorist attack. An attack on American soldiers, mercenaries, government personal, it’s all terrorist attacks according to them.

          But Americans are not doing this by accident, they are doing this on purpose to delegitimize a Muslim’s right to self-defense. I talked about this in my previous post. Many Americans look at Muslims as being sub-human, therefore, they do not enjoy the right to self-defense. So the U.S. can invade Iraq on false premises, set up a corrupt government, kill a bunch of civilians on purpose, rape them, torture them, etc etc. But that’s all fine for many Americans, nothing wrong with that, nothing terrorist related at all. But as soon as some Iraqis fight back against the illegal foreign occupation, killing Americans soldiers, not Americans civilians mind you, then the Americans get into a tizzy, calling these insurgent attacks “terrorist attacks.” 

          Let’s finish this up by getting back to Kodirov. He was going to attack the U.S. government because of the things that the U.S. government has done. He wasn’t planning on attacking U.S. civilians for what the U.S. government has done. That would be terrorism. Lastly, people are calling him a terrorist, when all he did was words, no action at all. He didn’t even wound or kill anyone. Yet, because he is Muslim, people are going around calling him a terrorist. And Holmes, who actually killed 12 people and wounded dozens more, is not a terrorist, according to the lamestream media and the majority of Americans. That’s fucked up, that’s really fucked up. 

          So, bottom line is: Holmes is a terrorist, Kodirov is not, he’s an enemy combatant. 

          The Young Turks actually put up a video that is talking about this very issue. I always enjoy watching this show. Here is the clip:

         (Picture of Kodirov is from the Huffington Post).  

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