Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This Just in from the Feminists: Anything You Show in any Media Means You Automatically Support It

     The ever entertaining thing about feminists is that: just when you think they can't get any more fucking stupid, they do. They transgress all bounds of what you thought was the limit and just run with it. I'm reading stuff today that I couldn't even fathom reading just last year. Just...just read this latest complaint from them that blew my fucking God damn mind:  http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/may/20/game-of-thrones-rape-sansa-stark?CMP=twt_gu

     The summary of this article: Since Game of Thrones has rape scenes in it, that means the creators, directors, producers, EVERYONE in it, automatically and without question, support rape. I mean, why else would they show it? 
      This has huge, immense, catastrophic consequences if people besides feminists start thinking like this. Since feminism has such a death grip on the current mainstream U.S. culture, its possible that quite a few people already think like this, and many more will in the coming months/years. (Contrary to feminist propaganda, the mainstream U.S. culture is not "patriarchal," it is feminist, radical feminist, and has been for several years now. But that is a point for another post). This would mean that any piece of media or culture: movies, books, songs, poems, TV shows, plays, etc, could never show anything bad, otherwise, that would mean that the creators support those actions.
     Think of a world if the feminists got their way with this. No Titanic movie, because it has death and people being jerks, no Lion King, because that has violence and betrayal, no Avatar movie, because that has violence and betrayal, I mean, I could go on for literally days listing all the pieces of media and culture that wouldn't exist if the feminist Nazis got their damn way. Obviously Disney supports violence, right, because nearly every single one of their movies has violence in it. Obviously the video game Destiny supports violence against women, as it allows you be a male player and kill hundreds of women throughout the game. How sexist!! There are very few, if any, pieces of media and/or culture that would make it onto the feminists' approval list, for basically every story has a negative action such as betrayal, violence, verbal abuse, etc, these are just the first three I thought of. But think of any movie, book, or TV show that you like, and odds are, if people used radical feminists' thought process, it wouldn't have been allowed to be published.
     This is a huge push for censorship by the feminists. They want everything to be happy and butterflies 100% of the time. Why would anyone show despicable violence in a TV show?! It should be about a woman getting along with her family and overcoming the challenges of everyday life! They only want people producing things they like. They're not content with each person liking their own type of media and culture, and accepting that people are different.
     For example, there are some squeamish people who will never, ever, like the Walking Dead, for it has brutal violence in just about every episode. I personally love the Walking Dead, but I have no problem with people who don't like it, and prefer to watch shows that I think are girly and stupid, like How I Met Your Mother or Scrubs.
     But feminists can't be like that. They cannot be accepting of peoples' tastes that happen to be different than theirs. So they slowly just want to ban everything they don't like so that eventually, nothing will left except the stuff that they like. This is why "free speech zones" on campuses are a fucking joke and only further censorship of anything the feminists don't like: http://reason.com/archives/2015/03/18/the-death-of-free-speech-on-college-camp#.imguzq:gqay

     It is beyond the feminists' feeble pathetic minds that people could put bad things in their TV shows because it is bad, and they want to show that a certain character is evil, etc, you know, normal plot devices used all the fucking time. Or that the creators want to show how bad a certain action is, so they put it in a TV episode.
    But no, the fragile special snowflakes that are feminists couldn't bear to watch such evil actions such as violence or rape, without their precious "trigger warnings," so they just want to ban it everywhere. Furthermore, this ridiculous censorship conveys the feminist mindset that these certain actions are bad and evil 100% of the time, no matter what the circumstances, and therefore, should be banned. The only action I listed that is actually never acceptable in any situation is rape. However, the others, violence, murder, stealing, etc, can be justifiable actions in certain situations.
     For example, if a thug breaks into your house, and proceeds to murder you and steal your stuff, you would be absolutely justifiable if you killed that thug in self-defense. Murder, in this case, was not an evil action. It was an unfortunate action but a necessary one. There, I just proved in 3 sentences how murder is not always 100% evil.
     But the feminists do not believe that. They are divided into two camps on this issue. One will say that murder is still wrong 100% of the time, and just stand there and get murdered by the thug like a stupid dodo bird. They would rather die for their "principles" then engage in the rational, instinctive action of self-defense. The other feminist will call the cops and let them do all that "horrible violent masculine stuff" so they can continue to live their lives, condemning murder as always evil yet, who's the first person they called when a thug broke into their house? That's right, a person to go murder the thug for them. Hypocrites.  
     In conclusion, we should not bow down to the feminists' demands to never put negative actions in media and culture. No matter how much the mainstream media and radical feminist bash us, everyone should be allowed to make their creative works of art the way they fucking want to. A feminist has no fucking right to tell me what I can or cannot put in my own books. If I want to put violence in my books, then I should be allowed to, even if the violence is not justifiable, I should be allowed to put it in, otherwise, it severely restricts the type of books I can write if I can mention no murder, no stealing, no violence, no fighting, etc, etc, basically every negative action imaginable. I can put it in to show a villain's morals, I can put it in if the villain is the main character of the book. I can put whatever I want in my book, because its me who's taking the time and energy to make it. If some dumb stupid retarded prissy killjoy snobbish feminist doesn't want violence in a book, then fucking write your own dumb book that doesn't have any violence. You're free to do that.         

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