Monday, April 20, 2015

A discussion between a libertarian and an anarchist

     I know I haven't written a post in a couple of months. I've been dissuaded from writing because my blog hasn't got a lot of views. People don't care what I have to say because I'm too "radical for them." I guess not supporting terrorism and approaching problems logically and rationally is too "extreme" for radical America today.
     But hot damn I could not resist writing this one today.
     What started as a simple interaction on Facebook turned out to be one of the funniest and bizarre conversations I have ever had. I had to share it because it is a prime example of the extreme, insane, maniacal radicalization that has gripped this country in the last several years. I'm the libertarian, and a swell fella named Jon Rock is the anarchist.
     So here we go:  

     It was just a question asked by the FB page "Young Americans for Liberty." And this guy responds with an utterly stupid question that has the maturity of a 8 year old. And look, it was the top comment! That means a lot of libertarians agree with his opinion! Libertarianism has unfortunately been tainted with a horrible and despicable extreme wing of anarchists. Libertarianism has nothing to do with anarchy; it is all about small, limited government that only exists to protect its citizens human rights. It says nothing about the total elimination of government.   
     So I get to the conversation a little late, because I have this thing called a job and life, where I can't be online 24/7:

    You can already see that Jon dodges questions that he can't answer and uses big words that he thinks make him look smart but actually make him look like a fucking retard.


     Look how he responds "Define horrible." Like he's insinuating like he doesn't know why anarchy would be horrible. Just watch the "Purge" movies to figure out why, doofus. And then his last comment has him talking about the movie "The Matrix." Like what the fuck dude where are you getting this from? Oh, science fiction movies. You base your political ideology on science fiction movies. No wonder you're so fucking stupid.


     He denies being an anarchist! He can't man up and accept the label that his retarded political beliefs deserve. How can one advocate for the elimination of government and NOT be an anarchist?! I mean my fucking God....And then he throws out random things about some random town in Kenya and throws deflection after deflection out.

    This is where the conversation ended, as I saw I could not get him to see any of my points, as he was way too brainwashed at this point, so there is no point to continue the conversation. His sentences become more bizarre "Nirvana isn't for this world, Rob" LMFAOOOOOOO God damn what is this kid on!?!?! And then he ends with his call for "the end of institutionalized government" but while still denying that he is an anarchist. 
    In conclusion, this far right extremists, like any extremists, are incredibly dangerous. They do not give a fuck about you, all they care about is bettering themselves through "personal sovereignty." Whatever benefits them is the right thing to do, in their eyes, no matter the damage done to anyone else. They would rob you because it would benefit them to have more stuff, no matter the damage it did to you because you were robbed. These are the people who would be the warlords in an anarchistic state: just grabbing all the guns, soldiers, food, luxuries they can get, because damn everyone else, I want stuff. 

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