Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ukrainian military are pussies, here's 5 things that they need to do if they ever want Crimea back

     I am astonished that the Ukrainian military gave up all of Crimea without firing a single shot. What a bunch of pansies. Pacifism is such a good principle, right?! I mean, what's the point of having a military to defend your territory if you're not going to even use it? These poor Ukrainians have been brainwashed into thinking that they are taking the morale high ground in this conflict by not fighting. That's exactly what fascists like Vladimir Putin wants them to think, so he can take Crimea without any effort. And now Crimeans and minorities like the Tatars are going to pay the price for Ukraine's cowardliness.
     I know what critics will say "Ukraine can't possibly beat Russia militarily, so they're not even a point in fighting. Ukraine is saving their own lives by not fighting." If people would just crack open a history book once in a while, (which is essential if you want to know anything in international politics), they would see dozens of examples of much weaker countries beating a much stronger country by using guerrilla warfare.
     Ukraine will not get Crimea back by peaceful negotiations with Russia. Putin does not give a flying fuck what anyone in the world says, he will do what he wants, when he wants. He is a former KGB officer, he only understands force and violence. So, logically, Ukraine should respond in a way that Putin understands.

     Here are the things Ukraine needs to do if they ever want Crimea back:
     1. Start defending their territory by launching guerrilla attacks against occupying Russia troops and pro-Russian militia in Crimea. Ukrainian forces can use forests, mountains, and tight urban city locations to their advantage to offset the advantage Russia has with more troops, more advanced artillery, tanks, and air superiority. Remember, Ukraine doesn't need to invade all the way to Moscow to win. They just need to make it so difficult for Russian troops to stay in Crimea that it would be too costly for them to continue to occupy it. They need to do such attacks as hit and run attacks, roadside bombings, sniping, ambushes, destroying supply chains, assassinating top Russian military officers, sabotage equipment, stealing military equipment, etc, etc, you get the idea. The Russians invading are not wearing Russian military uniforms, so why should Ukraine have to? Ukrainian forces should wear civilian clothes and camouflage in the civilian population, as to offset Russia's military advantage. Under no circumstances should Ukrainian forces target innocent, unarmed civilians. They are not the enemy; Russian soldiers are. Killing civilians is a waste of time and resources, doesn't do any good to anyone, and only alienates your cause.
     2. Start over the border attacks against Russian forces on the Ukrainian-Russian border. This will force Russia to divert some of its forces to defend its border, instead of it all concentrating just on Crimea. The Ukrainian-Russian border is very long so it will be extremely difficult for Russia to defend it all. The attacks should be in the exact same style as the attacks listed in #1.
     3. Encourage other people that are also under Russian occupation to also start trying to liberate themselves from Russian fascism. The people I have in mind are the Crimean Tatars, the Chechnyans, and the Georgians. They will leap for the opportunity to shackle off their cruel oppressors, and the fact that Russia will already be fighting an enemy on two fronts, (Ukranians in Crimea and Ukrainians on their western border), will make it easier for them to fight since they will not be alone.
     4. Ask for military, political, and economic aid from the West. The West wants to see Russia weakened and not emboldened to take more territory from Ukraine or any other country. But they do not want to send in their own troops to make that happen. So, that fact that Ukraine and other people will be fighting Russia on multiple fronts will make them say "Hey, these guys are doing what we want to do but can't. Let's give them anything they need in order to beat Russia!"    
     5. Ask the West to continue their political isolation and economic sanctions against Russia. The sanctions and political isolation that has already began is a start, but it is not enough. The West needs to make Russia hurt in their wallet, to show them that wars of aggression, blatant shitty and insulting propaganda, and fascism will have a heavy price. It is a simple equation of economics: The West needs to make Russia hurt so bad that any gains they would get from occupying Crimea will be offset by the negative consequences of that action.

     So there you have it. 5 easy to read steps in ordinary English that would help Ukraine get Crimea back. Russia has a history of being beaten by weaker guerrilla forces, (Afghanistan, 1st Chechen War, etc). Will Ukraine do these steps? Based on their current actions, (they're surrendering even faster than the French usually do), I think not. They have been too brainwashed by radical liberalism. They think using violence is evil no matter what the circumstances, and somehow being a totally cowardly pussy is morally superior than fighting for your family, friends, and country. Sorry, people of Crimea. Your government and military failed you.            

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