Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ukrainian military are pussies, here's 5 things that they need to do if they ever want Crimea back

     I am astonished that the Ukrainian military gave up all of Crimea without firing a single shot. What a bunch of pansies. Pacifism is such a good principle, right?! I mean, what's the point of having a military to defend your territory if you're not going to even use it? These poor Ukrainians have been brainwashed into thinking that they are taking the morale high ground in this conflict by not fighting. That's exactly what fascists like Vladimir Putin wants them to think, so he can take Crimea without any effort. And now Crimeans and minorities like the Tatars are going to pay the price for Ukraine's cowardliness.
     I know what critics will say "Ukraine can't possibly beat Russia militarily, so they're not even a point in fighting. Ukraine is saving their own lives by not fighting." If people would just crack open a history book once in a while, (which is essential if you want to know anything in international politics), they would see dozens of examples of much weaker countries beating a much stronger country by using guerrilla warfare.
     Ukraine will not get Crimea back by peaceful negotiations with Russia. Putin does not give a flying fuck what anyone in the world says, he will do what he wants, when he wants. He is a former KGB officer, he only understands force and violence. So, logically, Ukraine should respond in a way that Putin understands.

     Here are the things Ukraine needs to do if they ever want Crimea back:
     1. Start defending their territory by launching guerrilla attacks against occupying Russia troops and pro-Russian militia in Crimea. Ukrainian forces can use forests, mountains, and tight urban city locations to their advantage to offset the advantage Russia has with more troops, more advanced artillery, tanks, and air superiority. Remember, Ukraine doesn't need to invade all the way to Moscow to win. They just need to make it so difficult for Russian troops to stay in Crimea that it would be too costly for them to continue to occupy it. They need to do such attacks as hit and run attacks, roadside bombings, sniping, ambushes, destroying supply chains, assassinating top Russian military officers, sabotage equipment, stealing military equipment, etc, etc, you get the idea. The Russians invading are not wearing Russian military uniforms, so why should Ukraine have to? Ukrainian forces should wear civilian clothes and camouflage in the civilian population, as to offset Russia's military advantage. Under no circumstances should Ukrainian forces target innocent, unarmed civilians. They are not the enemy; Russian soldiers are. Killing civilians is a waste of time and resources, doesn't do any good to anyone, and only alienates your cause.
     2. Start over the border attacks against Russian forces on the Ukrainian-Russian border. This will force Russia to divert some of its forces to defend its border, instead of it all concentrating just on Crimea. The Ukrainian-Russian border is very long so it will be extremely difficult for Russia to defend it all. The attacks should be in the exact same style as the attacks listed in #1.
     3. Encourage other people that are also under Russian occupation to also start trying to liberate themselves from Russian fascism. The people I have in mind are the Crimean Tatars, the Chechnyans, and the Georgians. They will leap for the opportunity to shackle off their cruel oppressors, and the fact that Russia will already be fighting an enemy on two fronts, (Ukranians in Crimea and Ukrainians on their western border), will make it easier for them to fight since they will not be alone.
     4. Ask for military, political, and economic aid from the West. The West wants to see Russia weakened and not emboldened to take more territory from Ukraine or any other country. But they do not want to send in their own troops to make that happen. So, that fact that Ukraine and other people will be fighting Russia on multiple fronts will make them say "Hey, these guys are doing what we want to do but can't. Let's give them anything they need in order to beat Russia!"    
     5. Ask the West to continue their political isolation and economic sanctions against Russia. The sanctions and political isolation that has already began is a start, but it is not enough. The West needs to make Russia hurt in their wallet, to show them that wars of aggression, blatant shitty and insulting propaganda, and fascism will have a heavy price. It is a simple equation of economics: The West needs to make Russia hurt so bad that any gains they would get from occupying Crimea will be offset by the negative consequences of that action.

     So there you have it. 5 easy to read steps in ordinary English that would help Ukraine get Crimea back. Russia has a history of being beaten by weaker guerrilla forces, (Afghanistan, 1st Chechen War, etc). Will Ukraine do these steps? Based on their current actions, (they're surrendering even faster than the French usually do), I think not. They have been too brainwashed by radical liberalism. They think using violence is evil no matter what the circumstances, and somehow being a totally cowardly pussy is morally superior than fighting for your family, friends, and country. Sorry, people of Crimea. Your government and military failed you.            

Monday, March 3, 2014

Some hate that Muslims get on a daily basis

     Do you ever wonder what it's like to be Muslim in America? Well, here are just of the hate mail Muslims get on the internet on a daily basis. Imagine getting this every day for years. Imagine how this would affect your opinion on your country. Certainly not all non-Muslim Americans think this way, and these comments listed below are certainly against American values. But the problem is, the people who write this shit, to them, this is their American values. They believe that they're patriotic, that they're doing a service to their country. So you can imagine a Muslim's apprehension to be cheery and patriotic, knowing that the hate they receive is coming from the same set of values they are pressured to hold. It's like a white person being apprehensive to join a White Pride club, knowing that same set of values is used as a cover for hate and violence against non-Whites. Imagine substituting the word "Muslim" for "Black" or "women" or "Hispanic" in any of these comments, and imagine the universal condemnation that comment would receive. Yet if it's against a Muslim, they get a free pass. Is it an excuse for a Muslim not to be patriotic? No, all I'm saying is for non-Muslims to show some empathy when a Muslim isn't all 100% gun-ho America FUCK YEAH. Cuz this is why:  

(The following are taken from the disqus forum on
  • J_R_Brown: Muslims aren't the only people who rape...but Muslims are the only culture where raping women is "honorable".
  • nerokaereborn: Muslims have a society of hate. 
  • vsaluki: Muslims don't have the right to defend themselves if they are being attacked. They should just sit there, do nothing, and let themselves get killed. 
  • EternalCrusader: filth is asking for the MASS-MURDER of all non-muslims, lying, enslaving, oppressing them, LYING to them, stealing, raping, beating, attacking them..THAT'S FILTH! THAT'S ISLAM! imbecile!
  • ScoTim: Muslims are filthy pigs. 
  • Bucky Jankins: Impossible to defend that religion, (Islam). It states clearly that all infidels must die or convert. End of the story.
  • BRUTAL_MASTER: Muslims do not belong in Western society. 
  • BRUTAL_MASTER: they are outsiders, will remain outsiders, period! I don't give a sh!t how and where you practice your religion, I am not fond of Christians or Jews either, it is when YOU demand I ADJUST to your non-Western ways that WE have problem!! If you don't belong to the ethnic groups that built America (meaning the whole continent), then you are simply another outsider. So what if you arab types were born in the US? You remain "them", you have your culture and values contrary to Western ideals. So what if you emulate Western ways? You can put on all the cheap cologne you want, and those tacky clothes you we!rdos are so fond of, but it doesn't make you one of us! Now you know why you are not even categorized as an ethnic anything, you are "other", m eaning, we don't know who the phukkk.. you are!! I might not be as eloquent on some of my "comments", I like to slum it up to your level, it is a choice. You are foreigner, and should return to where you belong, our Western society is not for you. Look at yourself, don't you feel stupid acting like something you are not? Eff you!
  • Light4u: go blow yourself up and get your 72 virginsm, 80,000 servants undeage boyus, emeralds, rubies and a dome of pearls. Oh that' sbecause your god loves that. polygamy paedophile,repression of anyone or anything against PURE evil islam go blow youself up. for your satanic god allah.
  • Light4u: what liek all msulims? islam is PURE evil
    they love to lie
    they love to repress women
    they love to hate
    they love polygamy
    they have paedophilia
    they love slavery
    they love murder
    they love poisoning
    they love bombing
    they love cutting heads off
    they love kidnapping
    now go and blow youself up and do the civilization a favor
  • Crysis_III: you can take a bomb and blow up yourself, your reasoning is non-sense.
  • Crysis_III: I like to hear bombings everyday in Moslem world, its a music to my ear. Let them continue their good deeds.
  • bondmar: Nobody, nobody , absolutely nobody kills in the name of religion excecpt islam. Your lies wont help you. All the example, u wrote in fact support the facts. The burmese buddhist are fighting against moslems bangladeshi who have no right to be there. Not a single buddhist is saying, he is fighting in the name of buddha, same goes for the mexican drug cartels, all those are crimes. However , in islam, when a jihardist kills, he kills willingly & look forwards for the reward that awaits him . He kills in the name of his sick child rapist prophet .So there lies the difference, sorry, we know the difference, islam is a sickness. 
  • joeb1: You are making excuses again for islamic killers and slave masters..
    English solders have been fighting to protect afghan people.. do you understand that?
    Do you understand that english abolished slavery in law over 200 years ago? do you know that?
    Do you understand why slavery is wrong? or are you going to say slavery is ok because it is in the quran? So you are for slavery!
  • JohnanthanA: CAR, (Central African Republic), is all about muslim aggression right now. Stop pretending that the Christians are doing anything but defending themselves and families from muslim aggression. 
  • JohnanthanA: muslims do not want to be equal, you lie. muslims want all other muslim sects dead and when there is only one sect left, the sunnis will start working on us infidels. I know too much, cannot be lied to!
  • JohanthanA: Muslims want to cleanse the area of Christians and your whining and accusations will not change the fact that Muslims are the aggressors in CAR and globally.
    To keep accusing those of us who see Muslim aggression clearly of hate is silly and juvenile and futile. Without Islam's need for total superiority over the world, there could be peace.
    Muslims do not want any other religion in the Muslim world and they continue to move to the West where they create their own ghettos for fear of mixing with the locals. 
  •  GAWZ: I'm not just talking about the current conflict. Islamic countries have a history of using innocents as shields. The Iran-Iraq war would be a good example where Iran tied children together in groups to clear land mines. The kids, of course, were told that they were gong to heaven. That's how you people roll. The psychos that commandeered the aircraft on 911; told that they were going to heaven. That's how you people operate. You are by nature a bunch of cowards.
  • JinntheKafir: 'They" hate us from birth because they are fed only Islam from that point. Their hate for non-Muslims comes straight from their mothers breast milk.
  • Riks: All of the Syrian rebels are extremists. There are no secular rebels. 
  • abcdefghij: If Muslims rebel against a tyrant that is oppressing them, that is terrorism. 
  • YouCantUnderstandTheTRuth: When a Christian kills a Muslim civilian, he is only defending himself and standing up to the Muslim plague in his country. 
  • Mike Dornfest: Muslim civilians who are being slaughtered by Christians in the Central African Republic DESERVE IT! 
  • Richard Lopez: what i see this is just a BACKLASH because every where the Muslims always killing another religion followers, be it christian, Budhist,Hindus or even agnostics, they think all non Muslims are deserve to die and heaven belong to them, and now God told them the hard truth, why God did not help them in the wrath of the people usually they killed indiscriminately? they can pray to God for appeasing the wrath of the victim of their barbarism, and let's see if God answer them, the answer is ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! THOSE PEOPLE NEED TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON FROM BOMBING AND TERRORIZING THE WORLD TO MAKE THE WORLD MORE PEACE FULL! they need to taste THEIR OWN MEDICINE FOR KILLING THE INNOCENT EVERYWHERE INCLUDING IN THE PHILIPPINES, GOOD JOB ANTI BALAKA, YOU ARE THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORL D!!!
  • Hardworker50: Islam allows child abuse. 
  • Mike Dornfest: The Muslim religion is nothing but a hate filled male orientated cult that does nothing but belittle women and use "Gods Word" as an excuse to kill off everyone who opposes Muslims. After all who is going to question the "Word of God" even if a man wrote it and used that to conquer, pillage and enslave people.
  • JohnathanA: When Christians kill Muslim civilians in the Central African Republic, they're only "defending themselves from Muslim aggression." 
  • JohnanthanA: Saying that Muslims have the right to defend themselves from Western terrorists is "hateful." 
  • JohnathanA: Muslims are taught through the q'ran that their religion must be the only religion. It is not an individual decision. Muslims through their religion do not feel equal to Christians, Jews, Hindus...they think they are superior. My comment, no matter how much or how badly you would love to twist into hate is not about hate but a realistic understanding that Muslims are not team players with other religions.
  •  JohnathanA: Without Islam's need for total superiority over the world, there could be peace.
  •  GIGirlfriend22: So why is it then when we try to kill these dictators....and Not poor any money into them but remove them for something better....You guys still freak out at us??? Calling us imperialist when were trying to save your sorry asses from becoming like Syria.... Its almost like you enjoy your own suffering.....And then blame us what you love to do..... Islam is hopeless.....Just like the thinking and understanding of the people involved in it.
  •  Riks: Nothing can help muslims they even kill each other just because different interpretation of their holly book.. and blame non muslims for the bad thing that happens to them!!
    Islam can make your very cute young neighbor kill u for the reason that u think NEVER exist.. and can blow themselves in ANY places... and the best is there are 1.5 billion of them!!
    Check this out, this is REAL and still LEGAL until TODAY in ALL Islamic Apartheid Sharia Country (SAUDI, PAKISTAN, AFGHAN, etc).
    Islamic shariah is the REAL threat for Human Rights!..
    In ALL (dozen of countries with hundreds of millions of people) Islamic Apartheid Shariah country.. Which until TODAY discriminate people base on gender and religion, Sharia is LEGAL. 
  •  Robert:  A belief in Allah (the cosmic pig god) is not worth a dump. I wipe myself on the words attributed to this pig.
  •  JohnathanA: Your muslim brethren live and breathe death, lies, dishonour, rape, pedophilia, hate, deceit, honor killings...You are a pox on humanity.
  •  Darren: Europe must cleanse itself of all Muslims, even ones that were born there, by force if necessary. Take your sick cult and shove it were the sun does not shine scum.
  •  Alphabet678: Saying that Muslims have the right to self-defense is the same as advocating for the murder of all white people. Western soldiers are "supposedly" killing Muslims.
  •  JohnanthanA: Islam supports apartheid. 
  • gandalf134: Its cowardly and shameful that Muslims do not have enough brains to make advanced weapons. We want to move forward explore space expand science instead we are still dealing with fanatical religious retards from the 13th century.
  • Marney_5: Saying a Muslim has the right to self-defense is "fanatical." 
  •  gandalf134: Whats your definition of innocent are civilians don't know or care whats going on in other countries. Muslim countries the children are taught from birth to hate all non muslims there fore none are innocent.
  • no_more_stone_age:  that's what we doing, killing muslim animals.
    but when al-Qaeda mixes with civilians, it's fair game.
    if you don't want civilian casualties, stay away from civilians.
    you know, for one of ours dead there's dozens of muslim animals killed, and the press doesn't even bother to mention them
    so in the end we still win, we get to send more muslim animals to meet their arab moongod and their virgin goats.
    yup, drones are good, baby, they send you to allah.
  •  JohnathanA: There is nothing good in islam, it is all poisonous hate and murder.
  • gandalf134: Then don't be muslim anymore and all this will go away. Obviously the world does not like you so go away become atheists ,watch sports, have barbecues treat your girls the same as boys. Stop following a religion that stole from the jews and christians which were around long before muhhamud pop out his head. Be normal and maybe then people will start liking you and there will be far less wars.
     It is absolutely mind-boggling the unbridled hate spewed in these comments, and the absolutely bizzare and dangerous conclusions these users come to. They are beyond radical. Muslims don't have the right to self-defense? They should just sit there and die whenever anyone attacks them for any reason? That's straight up genocide. I'll let you guys come up with your own conclusions, but I'll leave you with this: these people are not just radical fringe rednecks living away from society. They could be your neighbors, your co-workers, your boss. This radicalism permeates throughout almost all sections of American culture. Bottom line: There are some downright dangerous insane people all around us, really to kill what they see as the first Muslim they see the first chance they get.