Thursday, November 14, 2013

Woman is murdered for asking for help after a car crash

A 19 year old woman, Renisha McBride, was in a car crash with a parked vehicle. A family who was there at the time of the crash offered to help her, because she appeared confused and was bleeding. She refused help, and instead walked a mile to another house, asking for help. The homeowner said he "feared for his life" and shot McBride in the face with a shotgun, killing her.

Renisha McBride
Full story:

Okay, this case is bizarre. There are many things that do not make sense and need answering. The fact that this happened on November 2nd and we still have very few facts about this case is very troubling. As the report in the link says, this story has more questions than answers, specifically:

  1. Why did McBride refuse help at the scene of the accident and not wait for police and an ambulance?
  2. Why did McBride walk a mile to ask for help, when help was already offered to her and refused?
  3. Why did the homeowner shoot McBride in the face for simply walking up to his door and asking for help?
The way I see it, one of two things happened. But the fact remains is that none of us, myself included, really knows what actually happened. All we can do is conjecture based on the facts we already know. So here are the two scenarios:

  1. McBride was wacked out on something, either illegal drugs or using prescription drugs that are used to treat mental health problems but end up making mental health problems worse in a person, (that's a whole different topic). That would explain why she appeared "confused" to witnesses, refused help, refused to stay and wait for police and an ambulance, (which were on their way), and walked a mile to another house. Police report said she actually walked off for a while a first time after initially being in the crash, returned to the scene of the accident, and then, upon hearing the police were coming, walked off a second time. All of that is irrational behavior and one of them is a crime, (leaving the scene of an accident). She didn't want the cops finding out that she was wacked out on something, so she left. I do not believe that simply saying this is a possibility is an insult to McBride or her family. It is a logical theory based on the facts we already know. But again, do I know if this is actually the case or not? Nope, not by a long shot. 
  2. McBride was racially profiled by a white man brainwashed by our pathetic mainstream media, brainwashed into thinking that all black people are criminals so logically the only reason why a black person would be at his house at 3:40 a.m. would be to rob him. So, he did what the brainwashing media tells him to do: shoot. So he did. 
But it's possible that both happened. One does not exclude the other. Just because McBride might've been wacked out on something does not mean that the homeowner could or couldn't racially profile her. This might've been just a freak incident. But, whatever happened, it did show two important things that are the lesson of this week's post:
  • Abuse of drugs while driving is bad, (mmkay). Recreational drug use in private property is not a problem. It's when people abuse it that it becomes a problem. If McBride was on something, it might've had a role on why she did all the irrational and bizarre things that she did. 
  • When someone knocks on your door, even at night, find out who it is and properly identify it he/she is a threat before shooting. The homeowner broke 2 fundamental rules of proper gun use. 1. Always identify your target before shooting. 2. Do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 
The homeowner said that the discharge of his shotgun was an "accident." There is no accidental discharges of firearms, only neglectful discharges. And, what are the odds that this neglectful discharge happened to be pointed right at McBride's face? What a coincidence, right?!
The homeowner thought McBride was a threat. She was not a threat. Therefore, the homeowner did not properly identify his target. His finger had to be on the trigger for the gun to go off, yet he said it was accident, meaning he did not want to shoot. So his finger was on the trigger when he was not ready to shoot.

A sad and bizarre case. Keep your eye out for developments in this story. Maybe the authorities will figure out what the hell happened and why it happened.    

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