Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It Is Not Extreme to Rebel Against a Tyrannical Government

Yemeni tribesmen killed 5 soldiers guarding a gas plant in south-western Yemen.

Now why would these tribesmen kill those soldiers? I mean, the only people who kill are psycho extremists, right? I mean, that's what the main stream media says, so it MUST be true.

To find out the answer to this question, we must look at Yemen's government.

To summarize it in a sentence, Yemen's government is a corrupt, violent oligarchy that doesn't give a fuck about its people.
It's rating, from a 1-7, 1 being completely free and 7 being fascist asshole land, is a 6. Even before the Arab Spring hit it in the spring of 2011, the government did the standard horrible things to its people: secret police kidnappings, torturing, killings, rapes, corrupt officials, no free elections for government officials, no basic human rights like freedom of expression or freedom to gather.
After the Arab Spring hit, the government went into violent panic mode, like many Arab governments did when they were hit with waves of protests. They slaughtered unarmed protesters by the hundreds. Then, some Yemenis thought, logically, "Hey, I, like every other person in the world, have the right to defend myself, even against a government." So, they put down their cute protest signs and picked up some rifles, and started defending themselves from government attacks. A government should not get special treatment when it comes to judging it in killing people.

Yemeni protesters running after the police attacked them.

Now, put yourself in the shoes of the average Yemeni, to help better understand why it is rational, logical, and within human nature to rebel against a violent oligarchical government. Let's say you are a husband and a father of two, living in an apartment in downtown Sanaa, the capital. Let's say you absolutely had nothing to do with opposition politics whatsoever. You literally did not care what the government did as long as they physically didn't hurt you.

But then the protests of 2011 started. Now the government is striking your neighborhood with artillery and tank shells. Government troops are moving in. You're put in a horrible situation. You either fight to protect your family, or do nothing, and you all die. That's how a government crackdown whips up people to fight against them that normally wouldn't do anything.

Let's take another situation. Let's say you are into opposition politics. You petition the government to allow for political gatherings, and instead of granting it, they kidnap you and bunch of other people in the dead of night. They break down the front door, and throw flash bangs and smoke grenades as they enter. They shoot your son, because, well, they can and get away with it, beat the crap out of your wife, and then kidnap you, putting a black bag over your head and cart you to God knows where, where they proceed to torture you for days and weeks, all for what? For simply peacefully petitioning the government to allow for a basic human right. Well, you're not peaceful anymore. You're out for bloody justice, and if peaceful means won't do anything, the minute you get your hands on a gun you're gonna kill some of dem gommverment troops, (Blood Diamond reference. If you haven't seen it you should. Damn good movie). 

The point of these examples is to show that under certain government conditions, it is rational and logical to fight against said government. It is not extreme, bloodthirsty, or a terrorist act to do so. History has shown that the human psychology does not like being conformed or restricted to a large degree. It is natural for a human to want to be free to make his/her own decisions.When it is chained by fascist rules or a corrupt government, psychologically the human gets mad, and wants to do something about it. First he would try peaceful means, because if you can solve a problem without bloodshed, that is better. But if peaceful means don't work, then you're left with no choice but to use violence.

A Yemeni man injured by government artillery shelling

This is what happens with a good chunk of the human population, however this is not the case 100% of the time. For example, there are some people who are pacifists, who under any circumstances, will not fight back. Even if they are being physically attacked, they will just sit there and get the shit beat outta them. However these are the exceptions to the rule, rather than the norm. You have to consciously be a pacifist because it is human instinct, (primal instinct that we obtained when our ancestors were cavemen and relied a lot on the fight or flight response to survive), to fight to defend yourself.

Revolution against tyrannical governments is rooted in our nation's culture because that is how our nation was born: out of the ashes of the American Revolution against the British. Therefore, as Americans, we must support any people's rightful revolution against any power that is oppressing them. Just take a look at all of the revolutions that have happened throughout history. It shows that humans do not like dictatorships and oligarchies; they want to be in control of their own destinies:

What has the American government done in relation to this revolution? Well, as usual, it has not acted in accordance with our American values and morals, only more reason to kick this violent tyranny support government out of power, (but that's for another time). The American government has supported and even fought in support of the Yemeni government. That makes us, as is in many cases, guilty of all the crimes that Yemen does that we support:

So what can we do, as Americans, to help the Yemenis achieve the same freedom and dignity that we enjoy everyday?
1. Call for the U.S. government to cut off all aid to the Yemeni government. We absolutely cannot be giving aid to terrorists. The Yemeni government is a terrorist organization that kills unarmed civilians on purpose to scare them into submission. Is that where you want your hard earned tax dollars to go to?!
2. Support moderate rebels while denouncing extremist ones. There are a myriad of organizations fighting against the Yemeni government. Many include extremists and Al-Qaeda that are against both our American values and Islamic values. They kill civilians and shove their interpretation of Islam down peoples' throats. The Yemeni and American propaganda machine want you to believe that those are the ONLY organizations against the Yemeni government, to support their narrative that the Yemeni government is a good government that is just trying to survive terrorist attacks. These are the people that we must identify and denounce. Call them out on their bullshit ideology, make 'em look like idiots in the public and international arena, and make sure they don't get any American money or weapons.
But there are many moderate organizations, soldiers, and people who are fighting for the same aspirations that our ancestors fought for in the American Revolution. They want democracy and equal rights for all. They only fight against Yemeni soldiers; they do not attack civilians. These are the people we must identify and support, make sure their voices are heard, and make sure that the Yemeni American propaganda machine does not drown out their legitimate aspirations and goals.   

Anti-government demonstrators carry a Yemeni army officer as he joins demonstrations demanding the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh during a demonstration in Sana'a

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