I’m going to talk about the one thing that no
one is talking about when it comes to the story of Malala Yousufazi, the 14
year old Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban.
I get into that, I am glad that so many governments, so many news channels, and
so many people from all over the globe are united in their condemnation and
utmost disgust of this attack. With it being hard for people of different faiths
or races to agree on anything now in days, it is heartening to see such a
diverse group of unified people on such an important issue. But, once you look
closer at this, with historical context, you notice that there is something
very wrong about this.
I’m not saying we should not condemn this act of terrorism, that’s not my point
at all. We should condemn it. My problem with it is: Why is that when a Muslim
injures or kills someone in a terrorist attack, Westerners are quick to condemn
that attack, but when a Westerner does the exact same fucking thing to a
Muslim victim, the number of Westerners condemning the attack sharply
decreases to very few people?
single major U.S. news station has reported on Malala’s story, (CNN, FOX, CBS,
MSNBC, etc). So why haven’t they expressed the same amount of outrage or given
the same amount of coverage say when, American soldiers have shot unarmed Iraqi
civilians on purpose? (Sometimes they’ve shot children in the head, the exact
same thing that happened to Malala.) Why aren’t they disgusted when American
soldiers bomb unarmed Afghani civilians? Why aren’t they repulsed when American
drones bomb a funeral procession in Somali, or a wedding in Pakistan, or
students in Yemen? Why why why why? No American has ever been able to answer me
this question. No one.
An Afghani child that was shot in the head by American soldiers
is very disturbing. The majority of Westerners, particularly the majority of
Americans, have no problem with one of their fellow citizens, (Read: someone
who “looks like them,”) murdering an innocent civilian that is not American,
especially if that innocent civilian is Muslim, (Read: the mysterious, foreign,
dangerous “Other,”). Our current culture hypes up people’s egos so much,
turning them into megalomaniacs, that they honestly believe that Americans are
genetically superior to every other nation in the world, so, we can do things
that everyone else can’t. The rules that apply to everyone else in the world,
don’t apply to us. We’re just that fucking special.
not everyone who gives Americans a pass on terrorist attack is a self-absorbed
prick. I’ve met some good, honest, nice people who do the same thing. Now why
is that? Simply, it makes them feel too awkward, or too uncomfortable, to admit
that their soldiers do such things. They don’t want to face the facts of all of
the millions of civilians American soldiers have murdered over the decades,
(centuries actually, if you want to go back to colonial times, but let’s not
overwhelm ourselves here). So, they simply never talk about it. They never admit
it. If someone brings it up in a debate or an argument, they physically cannot
say anything else; they just sit there.
American being the villain and a Muslim being the victim simply cannot compute
for many Americans. That is not the official narrative of the government and
their media lackeys. That is not what they hear when they are growing up. So,
if anyone says otherwise, (like me), I’m simply an American hating terrorist.
They completely disregard all my facts, charts, graphs, testimonies, history
books, etc, etc, etc, i.e. all the overwhelming evidence that I have, with name
calling. How immature.
An Iraqi civilian killed by American forces
we can’t condemn our own terrorists, then why do we expect every other nation
in the world to condemn their own terrorists? You can’t tell someone to do
something that you are not willing to do yourself. The answer goes back to the
megalomaniac point earlier: “We’re Americans, we don’t have to condemn
Americans for anything, because we don’t commit any terrorist acts. We are only
hard workers and heroes. However, you Islamic countries, you guys are all
terrorists, so you have to condemn each and every terrorist attack a Muslim
think other nations get a pass on this either. It’s not just Americans that do
this. Every single other nation has the exact same sick problem. They condemn
terrorist attacks right and left, but as soon as someone of their own nation
commits a terrorist attack, they fall deathly silent. Israel, Palestine,
Russia, Syria, Nigeria, Mexico, Burma, etc, etc, all of them do the
exact same thing.
as Americans, need to get over the awkwardness and the stigma that comes with
condemning our own soldiers. I have no fear of walking up to an American
soldier and saying “American soldiers kill innocent civilians on purpose.”
Because it’s true. Look at history, YouTube, the news, etc. The facts are on my
side. No one should be afraid of saying the truth. There is nothing un-American
about calling a blatant terrorist attack, a blatant terrorist attack ,even if
that terrorist is an American soldier. If you are a truly principled person,
then race/nationality should have no role in whether you condemn a terrorist
attack or not. If it does, then that means you are truly not against terrorist
attacks. You’re only against terrorist attacks, as long as the terrorist is not
an American. That’s right. You support terrorism. What does that say about your
morals, your character, your values?
The site of a Pakistani wedding bombed by a U.S. drone
on it, and you’ll see why so many people around the world hate America. And,
you’ll see that hate is not stemmed in ignorance, or jealously, no, it’s
because they want us to stop killing them! Wow, who would’ve thought that
killing unarmed civilians would piss people off?!