Saturday, February 7, 2015

People ignore crimes for political reasons

     So I'm going go through this back story really quick so I can get straight to the point. ISIS murders one of Jordan's pilots, and Jordan retaliates, executing 2 of their prisoners and starting a bombing campaign against ISIS.
     Many people around the world, including many Americans, applauded Jordan without any knowledge of its history, its political systems, its list of crimes that it has committed every since it came into existence, etc, etc, basically they are straight up ignorant people, commenting on things that they have no knowledge about.
     What else is new, right?
     The problem is that this support of Jordan is a truly offensive thing to do, reprehensible, disgusting, against American values, and is actually the same action that Americans get mad at citizens from other countries for doing.
     Wait, what am I saying? You ask? Don't worry, all will be explained. I know my statements seem "revolutionary, extreme, radical," etc, but only because our society and culture as a whole has been extremely radicalized and twisted for decades, leaving once rational, logical, and moderate statements seemingly way out there because it is so different from what we experience day to day. What we consider "normal" is actually extremely radical, leaving normal statements looking like they are radical.
      So to start off, let's go through some of the endorsements that Americans have been giving the government of Jordan, and specifically the dictator of Jordan, Abdullah, recently:

  • "For anyone that doesn't know King Abdullah's story, you should definitely read about it. Truly awesome. They don't really make leaders like him anymore" -Scott Carlisle. 
  • "King Jordan for our Defense Secretary!!!"-Dave Broadbent. 
  • "at LAST!!! ... a real leader has emerged in the world!!!"-Jasper Stupart. 
  • Proud of King Abdullah II , well done Jordanian Air Force , God bless you"-Rabie Annab. 
  • Way to go Jordan....finally a country with backbone"-Lorraine White.  
  • "Obama should look at Jordan to see how a REAL leader handles terrorism"-Sara Jean. 
  • "NOW, here is a MAN that backs up his word, not a wimp like somebody else we are stuck with"-Gus Brown. 
     Etc, etc, etc, you get the point. These are not by far the only comments made on Facebook about Abdullah, I just picked the first 7 that I could find. The consensus is that Abdullah is a good leader, and that America would be great if we had a leader like him, and that Obama should be more like Abdullah. These people either 1. Have no idea how many innocent people Abdullah has killed, raped, tortured, kidnapped, and oppressed, or 2. They simply don't care because they want to make a jab at Obama. Either way, it is completely sickening that a man that has done all that gets PRAISE from the American people. 
     What crimes has Abdullah committed, you ask? You haven't heard the mainstream media, (MSM), say anything about it, you say? Well of course you haven't. The MSM would never report crimes done by our allies. That would make them look bad, and America NEVER makes friends with bad guys, right? The MSM is the mouthpiece of the state. The state wants Jordan to look good for political reasons, so that's what the MSM spews out. 
     Here are some human rights reports that you would NEVER see on the MSM about Jordan: 
  • "Jordanian law criminalizes speech deemed critical of the king, government officials, and institutions." Oh no freedom of speech for Jordanians.  "prosecutors continued to charge protesters with participating in “unlawful gatherings” under article 165 of the penal code." Oh no freedom of assembly for Jordanians.
  • "Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty."
  • "The most significant human rights problems were citizens' inability to change their government peacefully." "Oh so no freedom to free and fair elections for Jordanians. "Other human rights problems include denial of due process, prolonged detention, (no right to a fair and speedy trial for Jordanians). 
    Wow, that's a good chunk of the Bill of Rights that Jordanians flat out don't have, and that's only the first 3 sources I could find! Does this sound like the type of leader that you want to rule the U.S.? Does this sound like the type of country that you want to live in? Does this sounds like the leader that our president should take pointers from?
    FUCK NO!!!
    "King" Abdullah was not elected in free and fair elections by his people to rule the country, he simply got the throne through the chance of being the son of the previous king, "King" Hussein. Do you know what that makes him? A dictator? When his people call for free and fair elections, so that they can choose their own leaders, you know, the right that all Americans have, do you know what he does? Kidnaps them, tortures them, jails them, kills them. Oh what a good leader, right?!
      Okay, so he might be a bad leader, you say, but he is still striking against ISIS, a terrorist group, so we can praise him for this one deed, right? Okay, you can, because a bad man can do the right thing for the wrong reason, after all. But, in order to not have a double standard, that means you have to praise every bad guy who did something good. So, are you going to praise HAMAS for crushing an Al-Qaida uprising in 2009?,7340,L-3762017,00.html
     Remember, no double standards! If "King" Abdullah can be praised despite his tyranny for attacking ISIS, then HAMAS can be praised despite their crimes for attacking al-Qaida? C'mon, where's your praise for HAMAS, Americans? Huh? Are you going to praise Iran for helping the side that is fighting ISIS? Huh? Remember, no double standards!

     The people above literally had no idea about the man they were praising. They are so fucking God damn ignorant that they are praising a tyrant, that, if he ruled them, they would hate and despise and take up arms against in a second. Oh, but if they see a chance for a political pandering, then let's throw logic out the window, they say, all hail dictator, oh, I mean, KING Abdullah!
     I did respond to several of the comments in the above bullets on Facebook, basically summarizing what I've written here in this post. Most of my comments got deleted, even though I used no curse words and did not insult anyone at all. It's pretty sad that the internet has come down to: Oh, he responded so well that I can't think how to counter him, so I'm going to flag his comment for abuse, even though he did no abuse, just so I don't look like a freaking idiot unable to respond. The few people who did not delete my comments and who did respond either insulted me without countering any of my points, they just called me stupid and told me to shut up, and deemed that a sufficient response. Or, they said some bullshit like "Your comment is so dumb I'm not even going to validate it with a response. But oh, if I ever did respond, you'd be sorry! You can't match wit with me!"
     No seriously, this was actually one of the comments:

     "Normally, I don't respond or try to match wits with defenseless people like you, because I'm twice your age and have been around lots longer than you and have seen more than you in my lifetime. You're young, idealistic, and think you know everything so I will just leave it at this. Don't you ever attempt to match wits with me because you'll lose. Have a good day and don't reply again because I won't look at it. Your comment is irrational and uninformed."

     Doesn't that sound like someone who knows they're wrong but is too much of a stubborn bitch to admit it?? 

    In conclusion, this support by Americans have real life consequences for the Jordanian people, and the Palestinians living in Jordan. Our political and military support for Jordan is a lifeline for the Jordanian regime. In short, we are financing the Jordanians' suffering. It's on our fucking heads. Praise isn't just harmless words. No, our support for Jordan is financing millions of peoples' oppression and denial of basic human rights that we take for granted.  The millions of dollars we give them allows them to have the police cars that they use to kidnap people in the dead of night. The millions of dollars we give them allows them to torture a woman for simply saying that she wants to vote for her leader.

       If you're going to comment on something, FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT. Ignorance kills people. Ignorance causes acute, mind numbing suffering.