Friday, May 23, 2014

Both America and Russia play double standards

      Even fiercer than the physical fighting between Ukraine and the pro-Russian separatists is the propaganda war between the United States and Russia. News media is so bloated with fucking stupid statements from both sides that is near impossible to verify anything going on in the conflict. If you aren't sure of anything going on in the conflict, then you can't form an opinion on it. It has taken me weeks and weeks to sift through all of the bullshit on the Internet to actually figure out what is going on there. Despite the fact that my major in college was Global Affairs, I still had a hard time figuring this one out. The difficulty is 90% propaganda, and only 10% the actual conflict. Meaning, if news media WOULD JUST STOP POSTING COMPLETELY FALSE STUPID SHIT, it would a hell of a lot easier to form an opinion on this conflict. I could write a whole 'nother post just on the negative influences shitty reporting has on viewers, but I digress; that is a topic for another time.

       Pro-Russians go on and on about how the U.S. is lying about several concepts in Ukraine, about how they have double standards about intervention, etc, etc. No one has articulately countered these statements, which is very easy to do. My response is:
     "You're absolutely right. The United States is spitting out a lot of propaganda about the conflict in Ukraine. They absolutely engage in double standards practically every day. The point is: two wrongs don't make a right. Just because the U.S. does these things, does not mean that Russia gets to do those same things and you pro-Russians shouldn't call them out on it. You yourselves are practicing a double standard because when the U.S. does a certain action, you scream bloody murder 'Imperialism! Fascism!' But when Russia does the exact same fucking thing, there is deafening silence. You don't say anything. That shows that you're not actually against that certain action, you're just against it when it politically suits you."
     The same thing can be said about pro-Ukrainians who are just blindly anti-Russian without even knowing specific reasons why, other than "Well, they're communists!" Pro-Ukrainians go on and on about how Russia is lying about several concepts in Ukraine, about how they have double standards about intervention, etc, etc. No one has articulately countered these statements, which is very easy to do. My response is:
     "You're absolutely right. Russia is spitting out a lot of propaganda about the conflict in Ukraine. They absolutely engage in double standards practically every day. The point is: two wrongs don't make a right. Just because the Russia does these things, does not mean that the U.S. or Ukraine gets to do those same things and you pro-Ukrainians shouldn't call them out on it. You yourselves are practicing a double standard because when Russia does a certain action, you scream bloody murder 'Imperialism! Fascism!' But when the U.S. or Ukraine does the exact same fucking thing, there is deafening silence. You don't say anything. That shows that you're not actually against that certain action, you're just against it when it politically suits you."
     Bam. No comeback is possible. I am simply observing statements from both sides of the conflict.  What people fail to realize is that evil people who are wrong most of the time can say something completely correct other times. Just because a person is evil does mean they are evil all the time. There have been men who have been disgusting terrorists who kill women and children, and then turn around the next day and run a food pantry for poor people.

     Okay, so now that we've cleared through the choking aura of propaganda, let's go through a few universal truths in the conflict to establish ground zero on understanding it.
  1. People have the right to defend themselves against government attacks. They have the right to overthrow their government if the government will not stop oppressing them and violating their human rights. Seem radical? Seem anarchist? Actually, it is in line with traditional American values, logic and reason, and human psychology. The Founding Fathers believed in this truth, because they believed they were justified in overthrowing the British rule of the American colonies because of their repression. Logic says that if person A, (the government), attacks person B, (the citizens), without provocation, to only gain an advantage over him, or to steal something from him, etc, then person B has the right to use force to defend himself against person A. He is not a radical or terrorist for doing so. Psychologically speaking, if you do not believe in this, then you are giving person A the green light, and everyone else like him, to mug and kill as many person Bs as they want, and person B can't do anything about it, otherwise, he's a terrorist. This is against human psychology, because we have a primal instinct to defend ourselves if being attacked by an aggressor. 
          So what does this have to do with Ukraine? Because the first universal truth is that the  Ukrainian people had the right to overthrow the government of Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych committed a number of crimes that would make overthrowing him legitimate. Some of them include massive corruption throughout all levels of his "administration," stealing taxpayers' money for himself, taking away critics' freedom of speech, disbanding the Constitution, and killing protesters simply for exercising their freedom of speech and assembly.
         The Russian narrative would say that no, the Ukrainian people did not have the right to overthrow him. They say that the Ukrainians would have to deal with Yanukovych's corruption and theft and murder. Do you see why their narrative is bullshit: "You deal with your leader, even though his oppresses and murders you. Why? Because he's our ally, and that's all that matters."

     2.  Countries do not have a right to invade other countries based on the pretext on protecting a minority from the invading country. First of all, there is no evidence that Russian minorities in Crimea were ever being persecuted by anyone. That demolishes that piece of Russian propaganda. If Russia truly believed this concept, then they would have to accept it universally, i.e. it doesn't matter who the actors are, the rule stays the same: If your minority is being persecuted in another country, you have a right to invade that country. That's how real laws work: it doesn't matter if a white person, black person, Asian, etc, commits theft. Theft is a crime no matter who does it.
     But we know Russia, specifically Putin, would never, ever, accept this rule universally. He only accepts it when it benefits Russia. Say Turkey says "Hey, Russia is persecuting our Muslim brothers and sisters in Chechnya, (which by all accounts, except Russian, Russia is. Fucking look up all of the shit these brave people have to go through every God damn day before you call them terrorists). So we will invade Russia to protect them." Can you picture Putin saying "Yep, Turkey has that right. Go ahead, I won't do anything." FUCK NO HE WOULDN'T.

       3.  Ukraine has the right to use force to take back its territory from pro-Russian separatists. Russia cries that the Ukraine are "fascists who are using violence against un-armed protesters." I'm sorry, I don't care who you are or what weapons/lack of weapons you have. If you forcefully take over government buildings, you have become a combatant against the government. The minute you use force against something, you have authorized that something to use force against you in response. You cannot attack and then call foul when that something you attacked attacks you back. Can you imagine someone using that in any other situation? Like on the playground at school: Billy starts beating the shit out of Andrew for no reason, saying the entire time "Oh, you can't fight back Andrew, otherwise, you're a bully!"
     I MEAN C'MON PEOPLE, WAKE THE FUCK UP AND FUCKING THINK! USE LOGIC! You have to be pretty God damn stupid, or stupidly pro-Russia to think that only pro-Russian people have the right to take over government buildings, shoot down helicopters, and ambush Ukrainian troops, and the Ukrainian people SHOULD JUST SIT THERE AND TAKE IT.
     Imagine if a similar situation happened to Russia. Let's say the Chechen people started another revolt, took over Russian government buildings in Chechnya, shot down Russian helicopters, and ambushed Russian soldiers. Do you think Putin would say "Yep, the Chechens have the right to do that. I'm not going to do anything."

      4.   Countries do not have the right to make up a bunch of lies against a country, and then invade it, based on those lies. This goes in line with what I said earlier. The U.S. cannot make up a bunch of "intelligence" saying that Iraq has nuclear weapons, lie and say Saddam Hussein is working with al-Qaida, etc, and then invade the country on those false premises, and then set up a puppet government, stealing their natural resources, using it to flame a war it benefits from, etc, etc.
      And just because the U.S. did that does NOT give Russia the right to make up "intelligence" that says Russian Crimeans are being persecuted, exaggerate the political views of the new Kiev government to benefit Russia, and then invade Crimea and send mercenaries into eastern Ukraine on those false premises.
     Two wrongs don't make a right. Both are wrong, fascist acts of state terrorism.

     5.    The Kiev government is not automatically "illegitimate" just because it came to power in a coup. If you go by that rule, then that means George Washington's government was illegitimate because it came to power through force. That means any government that has ever come into being through a revolution, coup, rebellion, etc, is automatically and without question, illegitimate. The Kiev government will become legitimate if it has free and fair elections, which it is going to do in 2 days, despite all the pro-Russian separatists are trying to derail them.
      Of course, Putin doesn't believe in this rule universally. If a government comes to power that happens to be pro-Russian, or that Putin believes he can benefit from it, then of course he will say that government is legitimate and that the people had the right to overthrow the previous government, etc. But if a government comes to power that happens to not be pro-Russian, or that Putin believes he can't benefit from it, then of course he will say that government is illegitimate and that the people did NOT have the right to overthrow the previous government.

      In conclusion, this shows that world leaders rarely, if ever, stand for any of the positions, ideals, rights, concepts, etc, that they say they stand for. They only stand for those positions, ideals, rights, concepts, etc, ONLY if it benefits them. If it doesn't, then you see an incredible 180 degree spin on their view on it. This is not the right way to govern. People must stand for ideals, no matter who is involved. For example, I believe that every person, regardless of their race or their creed, has the right to defend themselves from an aggressive attacker in self-defense. World leaders only support that right to certain people when it benefits them; when it doesn't, they suddenly don't believe in that right for a certain people.
     Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Ronald Reagen, Nicolas Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin, both George Bushs, Gordon Brown, Francois Hollande, Xi Jinping, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Hu Jintao, and many more, they're all FUCKING LIARS.         


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Protesting the Nigerian Government Will Get You Nowhere

     Boko Haram, a radical terrorist organization, kidnapped more than 250 teenage school girls in Nigeria several weeks ago. The corrupt, tyrannical, and incompetent Nigerian government has absolutely no idea where the girls are, (at least they say they don't. Who can trust anything they say? They're corrupt fascists. But I digress). Many Nigerians are in open protest against the government, demanding they do more to find the school girls.
     All I can think, they're all fucking idiots.
     That's right, I'm, who usually is all for any action against corrupt oligarchical governments, condemning these protests as a complete and utter waste of time, and an action that makes every protester look like a liberal brainwashed whiner.
     Why is it a waste of time? Because anyone who knows anything about non-violent protests know that they only work when there is a chance that the government will acquiesce to the protesters' demands and/or understand their point of view. Let's see what human rights organizations say about the Nigerian government:
  • Human Rights Watch, (HRW): "Nigerian authorities also arrested hundreds of people during raids across the north. Many of those detained were held incommunicado without charge or trial, in some cases in inhuman conditions. Some were physically abused; others disappeared or died in detention." 
  • HRW: "The failure of Nigeria’s government to address the widespread poverty, corruption, police abuse, and longstanding impunity for a range of crimes has created a fertile ground for violent militancy."
  • HRW: "Abuses by government security forces and the ruling elite’s mismanagement and embezzlement of the country’s vast oil wealth also continued largely unabated. Free speech and the independent media remained robust. Nigeria’s judiciary continued to exercise a degree of independence, but many of the corruption cases against senior political figures remained stalled in the courts." 
  • United Nations, (UN): "the Nigerian military carries out extra-judicial killings, torture and illegally detains suspects."
  •  Amnesty International: "The police regularly commit human rights violations, including unlawful killings, torture and other ill-treatment, and enforced disappearances. The justice system is under-resourced and riddled with delays. Prisons are overcrowded; the majority of inmates are pre-trial detainees, some held for many years. Hundreds of people remain on death row, many sentenced after unfair trials. Conflict in the Niger Delta threatens the safety and lives of residents. Human rights defenders and journalists face intimidation and harassment. Violence against women is widespread and the government fails to protect the rights of children. Forced evictions take place across the country." 
     I found all that in about 2 seconds. 
     Now does it seem like the Nigerian government does not give a FLYING FUCK about what ANY of its citizens think or say?! Yes, protesting may make you look all cute and sophisticated and having the moral high ground and all that other stupid liberal bullshit, but when the police can just raid your house and kill you in cold blood and get away with it, what does it do? It's just a complete and utter waste of time.
     Protesting against the Nigerian government will not do a single thing in finding the kidnapped girls, because it is not the Nigerian government that is holding them. Boko Haram is holding them, which, by the way, is at war with the Nigerian government. It's like if the Taliban killed some civilians, so then some Afghan civilians protest against the Afghani government. What the fuck is that going to do?!
     If Nigerian citizens actually wanted to do something to help find the girls, they could any one of the following:
  • First off, fucking get rid of the liberal brainwashing that the government is supposed to protect you. Man up, take responsibility of your own life and safety, and learn the skills necessary to defend yourself. Stop being an adult baby and crying out for protection like a helpless infant. Buy guns, buy ammo, train, form neighbor watches/defense groups, actually TALK with your family and neighbors about what they're going to do in an emergency, etc. 
  • Get rid of the people covering for Boko Haram. A terrorist group that is vastly outgunned by it's enemy relies on a network of spies, lookouts, people who are willing to cover for them when they need to, etc, those type of people. This advantage offsets the disadvantage Boko Haram has against the Nigerian military in relation to firepower, air power, etc. People allow these terrorist supporters to live and operate among them, because they don't want their relatives and friends getting into trouble. The Nigerian people must stand on principle, and even if they must turn against friends and family in denunciation of terrorism, then that is what they must do if they want to purge their communities of terrorist influence. 
  • Fight against the Nigerian government. This will be a two front war for the Nigerian people. Fighting Boko Haram on one side and the Nigerian government on the other is not an easy task. But it is obvious that the Nigerian government is neither a legitimate government nor a one that respects their citizens' human rights. Logic tells us what the Nigerian people must do if they want a government that is legitimate and will respect their human rights: Perform armed struggle against the Nigerian government until it falls, and then elect a new government in a short amount of time. The warfare should contrast greatly with Boko Haram's tactics, to show that this is the right way to wage a revolution. Instead of attacking civilians and kidnapping teenage girls, the Nigerian people should only attack against Nigerian military and government personnel. 
     In conclusion, in regards to what us, the American people can do to help, there is not much. This is the Nigerian peoples' fight, not ours. We cannot swoop down like saviors and save the savage Africans from each other, (sarcasm). No, the world doesn't work that way. But what we can do is this:
  • Denounce U.S. military aid to Nigeria. The U.S. has given more than $600 million to the Nigerian military every year since 2010. That's right, your hard earned tax money goes to state sponsored terrorists. That is not a lot compared to the U.S.'s budget, but to the Nigerian military, that is a jackpot of money that can buy all sorts of vehicles and weapons they can use to repress their own citizens. Plus, when we strengthen the Nigerian military, we also strengthen Boko Haram. Why is that? Because when a Nigerian soldiers kills and rapes a woman, holding a U.S. rifle, her brother gets infuriated, (as he has the right to), and runs to join the biggest threat to the Nigerian military which is guess what: Boko Haram. 
  • Explain that one can revolt against the Nigerian government and still not be a terrorist. There is a legitimate, (morally and legally speaking), way to fight against an authority that breaks human rights. All people have the right to use force against an authority that repeatedly breaks their human rights. This is confirmed in human psychology as well as the American Founding Fathers. Show the Nigerian people that we recognize and support their right to fight for a real democracy.          
  • Do not support American intervention in this conflict. Boko Haram, horrible as they may be, is no threat to us. This is the Nigerian peoples' fight, not ours. Even thought we could militarily beat Boko Haram no problem, an American intervention would only make things worse.